Flipping Out Recap: Freeloading Friends

Last night's Flipping Out continued the insanity with Jeff Lewis, Jenni Pulos, Gage Edward, Zoila Chavez, and crazy Andrew.  Actually though, the episode was really sad.  It seems to be the downfall of Jenni and Jeff's friendship, which of course would mean the demise of their long-time working relationship.  There is jealousy and deception from both sides, and if it continues, it's easy to see why it was so easy for Jeff to slap Jenni with that lawsuit.  It was actually kind of heartbreaking to watch. 

Right off the bat, Zoila announces her fake pregnancy while Jenni's alter ego Deb calls Eddie the carpenter.  She's hilarious.  Just start with the craziness…do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars.  Poor Eddie is stuck coaching t-ball while getting hazed by Deb.  Jeff loves that Jenni doesn't care at all about what people think of her.  Jenni and Jeff head out to their project.  Jeff is surprised to learn that Jenni wants to start trying to get pregnant immediately.  She gives us a quick lesson on how to make a baby.  Jeff isn't ready for a Jenni pregnancy.  He still hasn't recovered from Jenni's wedding.  They arrive at Jeanne's house, and poor Jenni plays a prank on her husband Tommy Shaw, front man of Styx.  Jeff feels like he's doing a lot of free consultations for Jeanne to repay Tommy for singing for free at Jenni's wedding.  Jeanne hasn't asked for the extra perks, but Jeff feels guilty that Jenni took advantage of their clients.  Jeff tries his hardest to convince Jeanne that she needs to do further renovations to increase their property value.

Jenni, Jeff, and Vanina are discussing Jeff's new paint line.  He and Gage are partnering with paint company Dunn-Edwards.  Jenni hopes he'll name a color after her and call it Cougar.  The rest of the names they come up with I would blush if I had to type here.  DTF is the tamest of them all.  At Spring Oak, Gage and Jeff are awaiting a representative from Dunn-Edwards to come meet with them about the line.  Gage is hoping that the paint will be a new form of revenue that will free up Jeff to start thinking about starting a family.  Jenni is all dolled up for the meeting, and both she and Gage are hoping Jeff won't make things uncomfortable for the rep with his inappropriate humor.  The group toasts the deal, and Jeff starts in on paint names.  Gage is freaking out about the names, as he should be. 


Gage, Jeff, and Vanina welcome Katrina who is interviewing for an intern position with JLD.  They need an extra person to help as the paint line starts to grow.  Jeff can't see Katrina prank calling or wearing a mask to scare Zoila, but he agrees with Gage that they need to mix in some more professional people in the company.  They are worried that she may be a bit scared of Andrew.  Jeff shares with Gage, Zoila, and Vanina that Jenni stayed in Cabo at a woman's home (and potential client) they just met.  It seems that Jeff met a woman at a luncheon he hosted in Las Vegas.  Jenni accompanied him to the event, and after a few minutes of small talk the woman offered up her beach home.  Jeff graciously declined and thought that was the end of it.  Of course, then he finds out that Jenni took her up on her offer and used the house for her honeymoon with Jonathan.  Jeff even learns that Jenni asked his sister-in-law her opinion, and she advised her not to do it.  Gage is floored.  Had Vanina done something like that, she would have been fired on the spot.  It goes along with what Jeff believes is Jenni blurring the line of professionalism by inviting clients to her wedding and having Tommy sing for free at her reception.    

During an awkward car ride, Jeff asks if Jenni missed out on anything when she was in Cabo.  She doesn't want to talk about it, but he goes off on her calling her a leech and a barnacle.  Poor Vanina is silent in the back seat.  Jeff can't trust Jenni, and he's embarrassed by her behavior.  He feels like she took advantage of a potential client.  Jenni doesn't see it as a big deal, but Jeff knows that if she didn't think it was a bad idea, she would have been upfront with him.  They both throw out that maybe she shouldn't be working for him.  Jenni wonders how Jeff can be friends with her if he really thinks so poorly of her.  He sends her home.  He can't tolerate liars…unless it's Andrew

The following morning at Spring Oak, Jeff asks Vanina if Jenni is running late because she's planning her next vacation.  He does, after all, have lots of clients with second homes.  Jeff has Vanina to call to Jenni to determine her whereabouts.  When she arrives, the tension can be cut with a knife.  He offers Jenni a donut and is surprised she doesn't want one since they're free.  Jenni asks Jeff if they can go to dinner to discuss their issues.  He declines.  He has nothing to talk over with her.  Jeff advises her to get her priorities in order.  At home, Andrew asks Gage for a picture of the closet at Gramercy so Katrina can get some inspiration.  Andrew is worried that a new intern means he's about to get fired.  He's thrilled to learn that Katrina forgot to procure receipts for the shopping she did for JLG.


Jeff and Jenni are meeting with Jeanne.  Jenni is very uncomfortable having such an important sit-down given the status of her and Jeff's relationship.  Jeanne is adamant that she won't do the bathroom that Jeff thinks is important.  He is only trying to add value to her home.  Jeanne begins showing Jeff pictures of her vacation house in Oregon.  Jeff gets in a dig when he asks Jenni if she's already asked to vacation there.  Jeanne shares that she's already invited Jenni to visit, and he and Gage are welcome as well.  Jeff is still bitter about Tommy singing at the wedding.  He performs stadium venues not receptions.  Back at the office, he starts getting under Jenni's skin by telling Katrina she is welcome to Jenni's desk because there could be a permanent job opening soon. 

Jeff tries to entice Zoila with some online sex tips.  This work place is so inappropriate–I love it!  Zoila gets the afternoon off after entertaining Jeff by reading some of the tips aloud.  Gage, Jeff, and Vanina head to a paint line meeting.  Jeff knows that Gage is fearful that Jeff is going to end up offending the executives.  He's likely right.  Dunn-Edwards is giving JLD some office space in the store, but Jeff tries to stake some claim on a giant conference room.  Jeff is already wearing on one of the paint big wig's nerves.  Jeff is doing his best to push the guy's buttons, and Gage is trying to play the role of mediator.  That dude has no sense of humor, but Jeff needs to chill out a bit.  Poor Gage. 

At Jeanne's house, Jeff is going over plans with his client.  Jeanne is a great staple this season, don't you think?  Jeff reveals to Jeanne that he's been giving her free consults to repay her and Tommy for doing such a big favor for Jenni at her wedding.  Jeanne tries to explain that Tommy really wanted to sing as a present to Jenni.  Undeterred, Jeff starts in on Cabo-gate.  Jeanne reminds Jeff that Jenni isn't just his average co-worker.  His real anger bubbles over when he starts telling Jeanne that Jenni wants to get pregnant.  She understands where he's coming from, but he needs to calm down a bit. 

Jenni and Jeff's relationship seems almost irreparable, so he decides to take her to a counseling session with Dr. Donna.  Who is next to grace the sofa…Vanina?  Donna has certainly found her niche, hasn't she?  He shares his disgust about Jenni's Cabo honeymoon with the therapist and then Jenni gives her side of the story.  Jeff can't get over the fact that he thinks Jenni purposely lied to him.  Jenni admits that she didn't even think of Jeff when she accepted the invitation.  She was in the narcissistic bubble of her wedding.  Jenni believes that if she had remembered to tell Jeff he would have been fine with it, but Jeff says he would have told her not to go.  Jeff knows that Jenni knows she's in the wrong, and he can't get over her deception.  Jeff doesn't know if he can ever trust Jenni again, and he is unsure if he can ever get over this betrayal.  Jenni felt badly, but in the grand scheme of things, other employees have screwed him over in much more major ways.  Jeff feels like the situation is far worse because Jenni is supposed to be his friend.  Neither is willing to back down from their side of the story.  There is talk of moving on and parting ways…to be continued.

Next week, Jenni is devastated about losing her friendship with Jeff even more so than losing her job.  JLD deals with fallout of their fight. 


[Photo Credit: Bravo]