BBW Newbie Kenya Bell Calls Castmates “Haters”; Evelyn Slams Kenya! Plus Tami Calls Out Kesha!

The Basketball Wives (are any of them still wives?) are quick to defend the most recent episode. The women, who have been on the show since its inception, still seem to take great pleasure in passive aggressively taking down the new blood. Case in point? Kenya.

Oh, Kenya Bell. Kenya, Kenya, Kenya. She’s had a tough time as a newbie integrating with her fellow cast mates. If they aren’t blatantly mocking her YouTube videos, they are bashing on the disorganized way in which she approaches her budding music career, or talking smack about her weave. Can’t a girl catch a break?

The breaks down a recent radio interview Kenya gave to Detroit’s FM 98’s morning show featuring COCO, Foolish, & Mr. Chase. Kenya dishes on this week’s episode. She explains why she was unprepared for her meeting with Tami Roman’s “team” and how she felt to see the other women talking so much crap about her.

In the interview, Kenya, who is from Detroit, begins by stating she is “mad as hell with these hot-ass-mess-chicks. These heffas is hating! We film and you don’t know what people are saying behind your back. So it’s like ‘wow… really?’ It’s crazy!” Wowzers.

Viewers will remember that fateful meeting between Kenya and Tami’s “people” where she showed up late, with no promotional photos and a portable CD player I would have given my right arm for back in 1998. Kenya is adamant that the meeting wasn’t totally as it seemed. She explains, “That was not like a music managing group. Tami’s team is a design team. All they do is basically style and pictures.” Continuing, Kenya says, “They really don’t do anything with music they just wanted to hear my song… they weren’t a music group or anything like that. They basically just do photos and styling for an album cover, etc…”

Kenya also wants to set the record straight about the coat she was wearing that Tami called a “peasant coat.” She says the coat actually cost her roughly $3,000.00 and bears the Save the Queen label. So there!

While it appeared that Kenya was being ganged up on for those ridiculous–but I’ll give her stupid brave–online videos, they have at the very least garnered her lots of attention. She tells the radio crew about her twitter trending, “Third week in a row! So I was just like, ‘Yall hate is making me great!’”

Of course, like all reality stars, especially the new girls who know their time could be fleeting, Kenya is vague about her returning for a second season of the show. She admits, “I don’t know… we’ll see how it all ends up. I’m just the new girl and there’s new girls every year. They just go in on the new girl.” However, Kenya isn’t concerned about how others may perceive her. She states, “My pageant history has given me the confidence where I can hear people talk mess and say whatever and I can still see myself how I see myself as a beautiful talented smart person who is goal orientated and driven.”

And “talk mess” they will. Evelyn Lozada devotes some of her precious personal blog time to the season’s newcomer. I have to admit that ol’ Evelyn didn’t come down on her nearly as hard as I would have expected.

She writes, “[O]n to KENYA! What in the world is going on in that girl’s head (no pun intended)? That weave-wig has to go…like now! Seriously, before she continues to pursue her singing career (and to her credit, she can sing) yet she needs to set up an appointment with @tamiroman’s glam squad, quick like and in a hurry.”  Evelyn also feels the need to put in her two cents on the discord between Kenya and fellow new girl Kesha Nichols.

Evelyn observes, “The beef between her and Kesha is a mess. I don’t really know what to say. I think Kenya could have come at Kesha a little better especially since Kesha is the thorough and professional type. I know we are filming and we approach things when we meet up however Kenya should’ve had that conversation with Kesha in private. There was no need to throw a jab like that in front of all those people. I’m all about keeping it 100 but that was a bit much.” That’s a fair opinion, don’t you think? Evelyn is, after all, notorious for fighting her battles off camera and keeping it klassy on the show, right? Right? RIGHT? Oh, gracious.

In other Basketball Wives news, Tami is hating on Kesha. On an upcoming episode, Tami and Kesha have a brawl. Did it have anything to do with Kesha trying to move in on Kenya’s husband? Tami recently tweeted about the most recent episode, “OK so they just cut the part out where Keisha [sic] exchanged numbers with @kenyabell’s husband & tried 2keep it on the low #shady.” If that’s true, Evelyn won’t be the only one bringing dramz this season!