Kendall Jenner Wants To Be The Next Gisele! Plus, Kim Kardashian Is Itching For A Divorce So She Can Marry Kanye!

Oh Kendall Kardashian Jenner!  Please stop following in your older sisters’ footsteps.  Just do your modeling thing, and stop using Twitter as a vehicle to flaunt yourself.  Oh well.  I guess you do come by it naturally.  And speaking of naturally, Kendall recently posted a picture of herself on Twitter wearing a string bikini with the caption “all natural.”  I’m assuming she’s referring to plastic surgery or photoshop.  One would hope she hasn’t had any plastic surgery, given she’s only sixteen.  However, if I’ve learned anything, it’s don’t put anything past those Kardashians Jenners!  The aspiring model recently told E!, “I want to be the next Gisele Bündchen. Everything she does, who she is, what she’s done, she’s just amazing.”  Good gracious.

Of course, Kendall’s big sister Kim Kardsahian is known for her fashion highs and lows (and really lows).  Always dressed for a runway show (although it sometimes looks like a Project Runway rejects show), she is complimented and criticized for her wardrobe choices at every turn.  New York Magazine recently did an entire photo shoot and spread on Kimmie and why she will never be the person that high fashion and couture designers want wearing their clothes.  Something tells me she’s going to wear them anyway.  Ouch.  It’s shocking to me that Anna Wintour would think that someone whose career was jump started by a toilet themed sex tape wasn’t worthy of being a fashion icon.


Perhaps Kim will wear those fancy duds throughout her divorce proceedings from Kris Humphries.  She is more than ready for everything to be finalized so she can walk down the money paved aisle with Kanye West.  A source tells Radar Online, “There is going to be a scheduled status conference on Wednesday for Kim and Kris’ divorce. Kris has already been deposed, but Kim hasn’t been yet. Kim has told her lawyer that the case is dragging because Kris is determined to keep his name in the press and drag her name through the mud. Kim is ready to get engaged to Kanye, but doesn’t want to until her divorce is finalized.”

The source continues, “Kim feels that Kanye is the man she is going to spend the rest of her life with, and she doesn’t want to wait. Kim’s deposition will likely take place in the next few weeks, but she feels nothing is going to be gained by it.”

Let the madness just be over please.  I am so sick of hearing about this chick and her 72 day “marriage.”  Give her the flipping divorce so she can maybe beat that record with ol’ Kanye!  Sadly though, it’s not going to happen anytime soon if Kris has his way.  A source close to him tells the site, Kris will see this through to the end, which for him, will be a very public divorce trial, and this isn’t about the money. The only way this doesn’t go to trial is if Kim admits the marriage was a sham and publicly apologizes to Kris and his family, which she has no intention of doing.”

Is there no end to the craziness?


Kendall’s “all natural” twitter pic!