Neighbors Profiting Off Kourtney and Kim Take Miami; Plus, Still No Engagement for Kimye!

I feel like high stepping, finger snapping, dance-off gang fight is about to happen in Miami a la the Sharks and Jets, and the Sharks are the Kardashian sisters and their fans and the Jets are, well, everyone else.  As you recall, the Kim and Kourtney got the boot from South Beach, but they landed in a very nice gated community in North Miami Beach.  Granted, said gated community is near strip malls and convenience stores (I know, I totes have hives too just typing about it.  Gag.), but those Kardashian girls are nothing without without their keen ability to adapt in any situation with other vapid ridiculously rich for no reason people. 

Oddly enough, it was living near the Kardashians that led potential South Beach neighbors to send the girls packing.  Now that filming has begun for the umpteenth spin-off of their family reality dynasty, the North Miami Beach natives are getting restless…or at least one of them is!  There is apparently a disgruntled realtor on the scene.  Um, he clearly didn't get the memo that it's called Kourtney and Kim Take Miami, not Some Guy Wants Money Thanks to Famewhores.   Some people will always try to make a buck at the expense of innocent reality stars.  Sadly, in this case, I'm not being sarcastic.


Radar Online has learned that it cost E! a hefty $300,000 to film in the post North Miami Beach neighborhood.  Of course, that money just went to the girls' swank rental house, so the neighbors needed to cash in on the series.

Case in point, a local realtor–and neighborhood resident–thinks he's found a way to profit off of the sisters' living situation.  The real estate agent, who lives in the development where Kim and Kourtney are filming, refuses to allow the production crew to park in front of his home and is charging them a measly $500 to park in front of a house he has listed.  That sounds reasonable enough, right?

The vice-president of the neighborhood homeowners' association is crying foul, claiming, “That’s extortion. There is street parking here."

Realtor Jeff Tomlinson isn't walking away from free publicity and potential cash so easily.  He responds, “I merely called the producers to tell them they couldn’t park in front of my driveway and proposed that they park on the empty lot. For that, they’d have to pay since I control the property on behalf of a client.”  So Jeff…quick question.  How much of that parking money did you plan to give your client?  I'm certainly no Kardashian fan, but who does this guy think he's kidding? 

It seems most of the neighbors don't have an issue with Kim and Kourtney  The homeowners' association VP shares, “The Kardashians are more than welcome here. They’re considerate and very professional.”

Luckily for Kim, she may have a more exciting story line this go-round than just ornery neighbors.  E! patriarch Ryan Seacrest recently hinted that there could be a Kimye proposal soon.  They should just start patterning these shows off of Kim's bazillion engagements and weddings and consequent divorces.  At least it would be honest.  Speaking about rumors that Kim was demanding a ring from boyfriend Kanye West on her birthday (which was Sunday), Ryan said, “I think we could definitely see an update on this story on Monday."

Of course, Monday came and went with no engagement news.  However, another source echoes that it's only a matter of time.  An insider close to the couple states, “It’s only a matter of time before Kanye pops the question. They are madly in love with one another and as far as Kanye is concerned he wants to spend the rest of his life with Kim.”

The source adds, “It’s just a case of making sure the ring is perfect because she’s his princess."

The duo may want to prepare for a long engagement though.  Kim still isn't divorced from ex-husband Kris Humphries, and he's not going anywhere until he gets the annulment based on fraud to which Kim refuses to admit.  This could make for an interesting plot line!


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