Mob Wives Recap: The Calm Before The Storm


After a Super Bowl hiatus, last night's Mob Wives was one for the history books.  The only fighting that occurred happened between some drunken old men at Big Ang's bar, although Renee Graziano wasn't making and friends in her therapy sessions.  Carla Facciolo takes Joe's divorce news in a much more civil manner than one would have expected, Karen Gravano gets into the music biz, and Love Majewski has a cameo.  The biggest news?  Drita D'Avanzo and Ramona Rizzo call a truce for the sake of their daughters.  No lady brawls?  That has to be a first!

Ramona is planning a special joint birthday for two of her daughters who were born a year and four days apart.  She's meeting Ang and Karen for a shopping spree, and she's filling them in on the details of the bash.  Her only issue is that one of her girls wants to invite her nemesis Drita's daughter.  I'm glad that the girls can get along even if their mothers can't.  Ramona wants to get her friends' advice, but she plans on inviting Drita to attend the party as well.  Ang can't believe how mature Ramona is being, but Karen thinks she's just asking for trouble. 

Renee is still in rehab, and I'm curious as to why all of these people agreed to have their group sessions filmed for the sake of Renee.  She commandeers the therapy session talking about her anger issues and her inability to forgive.  When another member starts talking about how high school her mentality is, Renee starts going off on the woman for talking behind her back earlier.  At one point during her interview, she yells, "Doesn't this woman know who I am?"  Yeah.  I'd say this is going to be a really long road to self awareness.  The therapist calls Renee's behavior irrational, but a smug Renee doesn't want to hear it.


Neil stops by the Drunken Monkey, and Ang is livid.  Didn't she just kick him out of the house?  She is tired of him not pulling his weight in their relationship.  Neil has a twinkle in his eye as he tries finesse his way back into Renee's heart…and home.  Meanwhile, Drita is floored to get a phone call from Ramona, but she plays off her shock well.  Ramona explains that her girls want Drita's daughter at her birthday, and she'd like for the pair to meet up beforehand to discuss some of their beef. 

Karen is meeting with her friend Storm about a potential investment in a recording studio.  Admittedly, Karen knows nothing about the music industry or how people make money recording, but she thinks it's a great place to put her cash.  That sounds like a plan.  Upon learning more information, it becomes clear that Karen wants to put money into the studio as a way to bribe daughter Karina to move back to New York.  Karen reveals that Karina has a beautiful voice and wants to sing, so what better way to say "I'm the cooler parent" than by having a recording studio at your disposal.  Geez.


Drita is meeting with Ramona to discuss their "differences" to put it nicely.  Hold up!  Are those brass knuckles on Ramona's iPhone case?  Priceless.  Ramona starts the conversation by saying that Drita has an ego, she isn't afraid to brawl, and she's happy to be part of a blood bath.  Samesies!  Ramona admits to being just like her in those respects.  However, Ramona knows how to be a lady until provoked.  Drita reveals that she heard a lot of he said-she said regarding Ramona, but she is ashamed she acting on those rumors without ever hearing them straight from Ramona.  It seems that they have more in common than they originally though.  Are Drita and Ramona actually getting along and laughing together?  I'm actually thrilled to see this positive turn.

The following day, Drita and Carla are working out together, and Drita shares with her friend about her sit-down with Ramona.  Carla can't believe it, and she's extremely skeptical.  Drita wants to put all the drama to rest…it's just too exhausting.  Carla totally understands why her friend wants to bury the hatchet, but she hopes that Drita knows better than to trust Ramona completely. 

Joe arrives at Carla's house to drop the bomb about meeting with a divorce attorney.  Carla certainly wasn't expecting that news.  He mistakenly refers to their marriage as a "business relationship" and starts throwing around words like "retain counsel" and "expeditiously."  Carla already feels that they are divorced so the paperwork is just a silly technicality.  Joe disagrees.  The paperwork is necessary so that he can have his custody schedule in black and white and not at the whim of Carla's rash mood swings and vicious temper.  Can you blame him?


Ang stops by the Drunken Monkey to check on things during the day shift.  A group of older men start talking smack to one another and almost come to blows.  I'd love to tell you what the argument was about, but there was too much bleeping to make out any kind of motive.  Ang is able to stop them before a full fledged brawl ensues, but they won't quit with their crap talk.  Ang goes to get Neil who quickly plays bouncer.  Ang loves to see his tougher side.  Neil may be a deadbeat, but he seems like a truly nice guy.

It's time for Ramona's daughters' birthday party.  It's quite the preteen event.  There's a DJ, a photo booth, and a red carpet.  The food consists of an iPhone cake and cupcakes and precious microphone cake balls.  Karen and Karina arrive, and Ramona tells her of her treaty with Drita.  Love is happy to see the women finally getting along.  Drita and her daughter arrive, and Karen thinks it's going to be fun to watch Ramona and Drita go out at.  She's out of luck…all of the women are taking a cue from the tweens and getting along.  Ramona gifts her girls with a tiny puppy, and she has to remind her youngest not to squeeze it because it's actually a real dog.  Drita thinks the girls have a much better time at parties…after all, they eat their cake while their moms tend to throw it. 

Carla visits Ang at the Drunken Monkey.  Ang tells her friend about Neil playing Prince Charming and breaking up the bar fight.  Carla shares that Joe wants a divorce.  Ang inquires as to whether Carla is hurt by his request.  She says she isn't, but at the same time, it's a big change.  Carla knows that Joe has already started on his new life, and she's anxious to begin hers.


Karen takes Karina, her cousin, and Ramona's oldest daughter to see her new "investment," and she hopes the studio will be enough to make Karina want to leave Arizona and move to New York.  The girls head into the booth to work on a song they've been practicing, and the vocal coach is ready to give them his best advice.  He totally reminds me that former SNL cast member who's name escapes me.

Ramona is taking her youngest daughter to go meet with her jailed boyfriend's attorney.  She wants to get some information on Joe's trial, and she is disappointed to hear that his trial may not occur for over a year.  His lawyer tells her that the Feds are hoping the pressure of jail will turn him into a rat.  Ramona shares that she's secretly engaged to Joe…none of her friends even know.  She fears wearing the ring he gave her because she's worried the police may think it was purchased with illegal funds.  Joe's lawyer gives her permission to wear the ring. 

Renee calls Drita to see how things are going in Staten Island.  So, she's allowed to have her cell phone while in rehab?  The pair laughs about the fact that Renee is in anger management, and Drita updates her friend on what is going on with Lee.  She wishes he was home now to take care of business in light of the giant storm that is heading their direction.  All of the women are concerned about what will happen when Sandy hits.  It's sad to think about knowing the devastation.  Drita and Karen have to evacuate.  It's so sad to see the storm footage.


[Photo Credit: VH1]

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