Mob Wives Recap: Strippers Make Everything Better

love and hip hop strip club

So last night we were back in Vegas for Mob Wives round three!  If the first two installments were any indication, we viewers are in for a wild ride! I can only imagine the craziness that Renee Graziano has in store for us now that she's shed her inhibitions…and her twelve steps.

The ladies have decided to go racing at the track. It's right up Drita D'avanzo's alley. Natalie Guercio is equally excited. Renee decides to play nice for the sake of Big Ang and Alicia deMichele Garofalo. Renee doesn't like to see her friends playing with her mortal enemy (she's not two-faced, y'all!), so she ops out of the afternoon's events. She's floored that her friends are being so cozy with Natalie. Don't they have any respect? Renee approaches Alicia to air her issues, and she explains that she is upset about her friends' loyalty. Alicia tries to explain that both women were in the wrong regarding their confrontation. Ang reminds Renee that she did, in fact, put Natalie in a headlock. It's not about loyalty, it's about neck safety. Renee declares that her friends are back stabbers and takes off in a limo.


After the craziness, Ang, Alicia, and Drita go to get their make-up done before a night out on the town. Drita admits that she's lost more money gambling than she could have ever imagined. She could have bought a car, but instead she just handed cash over to the dealer at the Palms. The women joke about Natalie and Renee's beat down. It's pretty hilarious. I love these three women. Drita has certainly come a long way. She wonders why she keeps befriending such violent people. Is it her? The three girls are dressed to the nines as they head to a mob themed night club. They are in hog heaven. The debate trying to talk some sense into Renee, but they all know it wouldn't work. Drita is worried that one day Renee will cross the wrong person. Ang believes she already has with Natalie. 

Over dinner, Ang, Drita, and Alicia assess their current Vegas situation. Drita calls Renee a spoiled brat for demanding ridiculous respect for something so silly. Back at the hotel, a sobbing Renee calls her son A.J. I feel so badly for him. He doesn't deserve to be his mother's keeper. He tries to talk her off her psychological ledge and tells her to let go of her crazy anger as the women continue to dissect her behavior over dinner. Renee can't believe that her son can't understand why she's so upset.

Renee decides to find Natalie for a chat. Natalie obliges, and I think that this is actually going to go well. Renee tells Natalie that she has little recollection of their altercation. I think that Renee is trying to apologize, and Natalie plays nice while listening to Renee's rant. They seem to come to some tense common ground while touting respect. Renee (gasp!) apologizes, but it is so she won't give Natalie the upper hand. She wants to be able to say that she's the bigger person. Natalie is quick to forgive her. Will she forget? Doubtful.

love and hip hop renee

My favorite threesome is out for the night, and once they hear that everyone has made peace it's time for the strip club. All of the women head out to watch ladies dance on the pole after Renee flushes all her pills down the toilet. Progress? Natalie feels very at home at the gentlemen's club. She's envious of the strippers' pretty clear shoes (who isn't?), and she loves herself a lap dance. Ang is convinced that Natalie may feel right at home because at one time a strip club was her home. The girls are laughing and having a good time. Sober Renee even takes her turn on the pole. Ang is happy…1980's Renee is back as far as she is concerned.

The following morning, most of the ladies are terribly hungover so it's hard for them to pack up their fringe tanks, sequined dresses, and leggings as pants. Drita finds it pathetic that it took strippers to bring the girls together. Also, she's worried about telling Lee about how much money she lost. Renee is even able to joke about the word "delicious." Who knew? Alicia isn't prepared to face the real world and the potential sentencing for embezzling that comes with it. 

love and hip hop natalie

Back home. Natalie is at work at her family's funeral home. That's normal. Or at least it is for her. She's kind of like Veda from My Girl, except not at all. Maybe Phaedra Parks? I joke, but she seems very good at her job. She holds herself to a high standard which is why Renee's tantrum threw her for such a loop. Alicia is also bracing for her husband's sentencing. She's enjoying her time with her son who is preparing to go off to college. While packing for his endeavor, Alicia finds a letter to her son from her husband. While her husband isn't her son's biological father, he's been a dad for him for as long as she can remember. Alicia's son is very supportive…he's like A.J 2.0. He wants to know what will happen if Alicia ends up going to jail. 

love and hip hop drita

Drita is back at her make-up salon, and she's kicking herself for losing the funds to open up a second shop. She calls Lee to tell him about her bad luck because she couldn't bear to tell him in person. Lee is understandably mad, and in the world of Mob Wives, that means he cussing up a storm. However, he's not truly angry, he just calls her a lot of names in jest. At home, Alicia is enjoying quality time with her sons while trying to explain to her sons about Daddy's upcoming sentencing. Ang can relate. She's been there, and she shares that realization with Renee. Alicia contemplates a "countdown calendar" for her husband's jail time. Renee feels for Alicia's cluelessness, but Ang thinks that everyone in this lifestyle know what they are getting into from the get go.

love and hip hop alicia

Renee and Alicia are meeting for lunch after Alicia's husband's sentencing…it's been postponed. Alicia's walls are breaking down, and she's finally able to let her guard down and cry in front of Renee. Renee has been there and she encourages Alicia to open up…she's got an unspoken family in her new Mob Wives friends.


[Photo Credit: VH1]


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