Mob Wives Recap: Fraudalie

mob wives new natalie

So let’s raise a blood-filled glass to last night’s Mob Wives, shall we? Drita D’avazo and family are back from Disney World now that Lee is done with parole and was able to cross state lines. She reminisces with her daughters about their favorite memories from the Magic Kingdom. She encourages her girls to make a scrapbook for Lee so he knows how much he is loved and has a memory book of the times he missed while he was in jail. Drita coaches her girls on what to write and post, and she’s excited to surprise him with the pictures that will make him feel somewhat a part of their childhood. 

After making up with her seahag friends, Natalie Guercio has planned a girls night with Drita and Big Ang to celebrate the fact that all is well in their friendship. Both Ang and Drita feel badly for ever doubting their friend. Natalie’s twins are on display, but Drita and Ang’s chest s are competing for the top spot. Natalie is glad that Fraudalie wasn’t able to negatively influence her friends. I am thrilled that now I have the nicknames “Ratalie” and “Fraudalie” to distinguish the Natalies. Natalie and Natalie 2.0 were getting too confusing! 


I know after falling in like with Renee Graziano Tuesday night on Chopped, I am going to be disappointed with her behavior on this episode. Such is life. While Renee is happy that Ratalie has apologized to her, she knows that Natalie still has to make amends with Karen Gravano and New Natalie (see, I’m doing it again!). Natalie 2.0 and Renee are hanging out, and Natalie touts her annual charity event for Toys for Tots. The underprivileged kids’ Christmas lists would make you cry, but remember it’s black tie. Natalie knows that Renee will dress proper. Renee shares that Ratalie apologized to her at Ang’s Thanksgiving feast, but Renee can’t bury the hatchet until Ratalie does the same for Karen and Fraudalie. When Renee tells Fraudalie that Drita wasn’t confrontational with Natalie, Fraudalie now thinks that Drita is a flip-flopping fake. She thinks that Ratalie must have worked her magic on Natalie to cause Drita not to want to bash her face. Natalie 2.0 hates to stir the pot, but she can’t wait to drop her truth serum on Drita’s two faces. 

mob wives drita

Natalie (first one) and her mother Nancy are meeting London and his mother. It’s the first meeting of the moms. Natalie jokes that she’s pregnant, and her mom isn’t too keen on her daughter’s joke given that there isn’t much time for the much anticipated babies if Natalie and London are spending so much time clubbing. Upon introductions, Nancy wants to know immediately if London can hear her daughter’s biological clock ticking. London concedes that he’s happy to play house at the moment until Natalie learns to temper her temper. London’s mother preaches compromise. 

So, it appears that someone has signed a multi-episode contract! Renee arrives at Carla Facciolo’s to catch up on gossip, and she arrives with Mob Candy swag. Despite their tumultuous past, Renee is happy they are now getting along. Carla admits that she was shocked at Drita’s treatment of her at the Mob Candy party. They used to be besties! Renee agrees…the ladies used to be tighter than a clam’s ass, and now they aren’t speaking? Carla has always had Drita’s back in all of her altercations, so why is she now being so shady? Renee invites Carla to Fraudalie’s party so the women can confront the confusing beef. 

mob wives carla renee

After Drita’s daughters complete their scrapbooks, she sneaks them into Lee’s store as an early Christmas present. When she gets to her Lady Boss salon, Drita calls Lee so she can give him hints until he finds his gifts. Lee is so excited to find the photo album, and she jokes that she was worried that Lee may have changed the alarm code in his shop. Drita would have hated to get busted with scrapbook contraband. Lee gushes over all the photos, poems, and drawings. It’s so sweet to listen to since we never get to see Lee’s face. Across town, Karen is preparing a feast for beautiful daughter Karina and boyfriend Storm. He recalls his first hilarious date with Karen with Karina. Karen wants to be very careful about the men she introduces to her daughter, but Storm is trying his best to break the ice. Karina admits that she loves Arizona and the west coast (ah, teens), but she’s fine in New York. Karen’s dad calls from jail and the pair discuss a potential sentence reduction due to a newly enacted law. Karen shares the news with Karina and Storm, sharing that her dad may return to New York once released to “tie up some loose ends.” That didn’t sound like a veiled threat to someone (I’m honestly not sure who) at all!

Deciding to focus on their future, Natalie and London have opted to go see a couple’s therapist to work on their issues. Both tell the counselor about their current misgivings. London hates how Natalie confronts him with screeching anger at the highest decibel. He also hates that all of their fights center around on Natalie’s drama with her girlfriends. Natalie doesn’t understand why London shuts down every time she tries to calmly talk to him about their shared issues. After thirty seconds, the therapist calls out Natalie on her increasingly hostile tone and bad language when it comes to just describing a normal argument. No wonder London tunes out! Natalie feels like she’s being bullied by the therapist, but she’ happy that London agreed to attend the session. 

mob wives london natalie

Ang and Drita are shopping at a boutique and remembering how Ang owned her first bar in the very same spot…complete with wise guys and silent justice. Those were the days. The women discuss whether they will attend Natalie D.’s Christmas party. Drita feels disloyal going to a party where the host has bad-mouthed and made her question her friendship with original Natalie. Both ladies agree that Karen and Renee can’t be loyal to save their lives. First their friends with Natalie, then they hate Natalie. One day they hate Carla, the next day they’re hugging Carla. Drita refuses to mingle with Fraudalie because she finds her to be disingenuous. Clearly that was my word, and not Drita’s. Ang is kicking herself for agreeing to attend the party.

New Natalie’s charity event is “elegant” and “money,” Yes, it’s a fabulous cause, but what say you scrimp on event planners and put that cash towards the cause. Natalie is hoping her classy charity event will be the opportunity for her to confront Drita about her back-and-forth feelings for Ratalie. I know I always love to look for reasons to wreak havoc at parties I’m hosting. All of the ladies are in attendance except for Drita and Ratalie (naturally). Insert Carla. Renee was hoping for a confrontation to find out why there was animosity between the former friends. I think Carla wanted the same. When Natalie 2.0 asks about Drita’s presence, Ang responds that she isn’t able to come. Can I just say that Neil’s attendance in a casual hoodie makes the entire episode for me! Natalie D. starts going off on how she came to Drita’s calendar party to support her, yet Drita can’t return the favor. Ang only remembers Fraudalie causing drama at Drita’s party. Karen stirs the pot by inserting that perhaps Drita bailed because she is still friends with Ratalie. The mature and pulled together Renee who appeared on Chopped excuses herself from the gossip. Ang thinks she may need to do the same.

mob wives ang

Fraudalie is floored that Drita skipped her event. Doesn’t Drita remember that Fraudalie told her that she heard Ratalie call Drita a seahag WORD FOR WORD? When Natalie 2.0 first relayed Drita this news, Drita wanted to pummel original Natalie. What has changed? Carla is quickly aligning herself with the newbie. I love how loyal Ang is to her friend. She’s putting on her jacket and ready to hit the road before she has to witness another bash-Ratalie conversation. I don’t even think Ang is so concerned with people not liking Natalie, I believe she’s just over petty gossip in general. Natalie finds it ridiculous that Drita would want to be friends with someone who called her a seahag. Ang finds it ridiculous that the women can’t come together and have non-original-Natalie centered conversation. What are your Christmas traditions? Do you have new year’s plans? What do you like best about your job? These are the things that Ang wants to discuss! Karen interjects (shocker!) that she hates that Ang would want to defend someone who has disrespected her friends’ families. New Natalie agrees…doesn’t Ang know what Karen has been through? Ang is at a loss for words. Did this girl who all of the women have known for a hot second just try to educate her on the history of one of her oldest friends? Ang declares herself over this situation and she wrangles Renee to leave with her. Fraudalie promises to expose the seahag Drita for what she is!


[Photo Credit: VH1]