New Reality Series: “My Selfie Life” Coming Soon!

Nickelodeon's 28th Annual Kids' Choice Awards - Backstage

Some predict that in another decade or two, everyone will have a personal camera following them around at all times. You know, kind of like a Kardashian. Until then, we can tune into the the new reality show Fusion is airing soon (date to be announced), My Selfie Life, which plans to follow regular schmucks around while they snap pics and videos of “major” life moments. Fusion describes their 10-episode series as a “bold half-hour series where young Americans film themselves living through a life-changing moment as they journey towards adulthood and self-discovery.”

Fusion says their series will be told through the participants’ lens, and that’s what ultimately distinguishes it from current reality TV.  This filming model hopes to tell stories “in the most authentic way” as in, “by people who know them by heart, captured in real time on their own devices, in their own words,” says Fusion Chief Programming Officer Wade Beckett. Episodes will focus on “turning point” experiences in peoples’ lives such as “tracking down lost love, beginning a sex change, ‘defeating’ an eating disorder, dealing with mental illness, and beginning an interfaith relationship.” 


My Selfie Life is adapted from a U.K. series of four similarly conceived shorts (produced by Nerd TV). Fusion says, “we all might live some of the same life events” but “the way we experience them is as unique as our own fingerprints.” Ugh. Yes, we are all precious snowflakes whose selfies should be printed and gold-plated, submitted Nobel Peace Prizes, and enshrined in diamond-dusted urns! 


Photo Credit: Jason Merritt/KCA2015/Getty Images)

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