Dance Moms Recap: New Beginnings

dance moms team

Is it bad that I’ve decided that yet another hour long Dance Moms episode means that something is right with the world? Perhaps that was Steven Collins’ plan all along with that slew of ninety minute ridiculousness! Either that, or I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Thirty Year Old Grandma!

On last night’s show, the veteran mothers made good on their threat to look elsewhere for training, and Abby Lee Miller threw yet another tantrum. It was pretty amazing, to be honest. In light of Abby’s legal woes and mounting erratic behavior, the women decide to rent out their own studio. The elite team is ecstatic, and Kira gifts the girls with a new team jacket. She’s enlisted a rival dance instructor and famed choreographer given the girls will be performing at a competition with the ALDC minis. Kalani Hilliker is thrilled to be working with Erin, and the entire team seems to have a renewed confidence. An added bonus? No pyramid!


The mothers, who ironically complain about Abby being glued to social media all day, decide to enact some revenge by posting a picture of the elites working with Erin. Hashtag, new beginnings, beatches! As the photo quickly gains momentum on the interwebs, the mini moms sit in fear at the ALDC. How is Abby going to react to this news? Not only have the elite girls found another studio, they are dancing under Abby’s nemesis (well, one of them at least). I guess Debbie Allen was busy? The mini moms are concerned that Abby is going to take out these new frustrations on their girls. One of the mothers volunteers to go look for Abby, who is sobbing uncontrollably in a back room. The mother tries to console Abby, but Abby throws things at her and demands that she leave. Abby reveals that she loves the elite girls like her own and would lay down in the road for them. Weird how that hasn’t come across this season…

dance moms moms

A singer who has supplied many songs for the ALDC calls Holly Frazier about an upcoming show. She invites Nia to open for her and sing back up vocals on one of her numbers. Holly is thrilled at the opportunity and asks if Kendall can join Nia. After all, she is trying to get a music career off the ground as well. Of course! The more the merrier. Jill Vertes seems a bit dumbfounded, albeit grateful, that Holly would think to include Kendall. Jill is more accustomed to mothers belittling other girls to make their daughters look better. That’s her style. Regardless, she knows Kendall is going to freak out about singing in front of a live audience, but she’d better get used to the idea if she wants to be a star!

Dance Moms new studio

Back at the ALDC, Abby has dried her tears and wrangled the minis. The mini moms are confused by this mood makeover, but at least Abby is showing an interest in their daughters. Alexus, Peyton, and one of the -ianas are granted solos, and the mini team will be performing a lyrical group number. Peyton’s dance focuses on trash. This should be entertaining! As Abby works with the minis on their group routine, they mothers whisper about the elites’ succession from the ALDC. Is Abby’s no nonsense attitude the calm before the storm? Have they ever watched this show before??

Nia is in the studio working on a ballad. She has never sung a ballad live, but she would like to feel confident enough to perform it as her opening number. Holly knows that Nia wants to prove she can be a star without Abby’s “help.”  As Nia discusses what the song means to her, she is so articulate and respectful, throwing minimal shade at Abby. However, in the booth, her nerves overtake her as she tries to reach the high notes. Back at the ALDC, Abby is working with Peyton on “I Love Trash.” Abby informs Peyton that she will be trash in this number. The mom of one of the -ianas is just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

At the new studio, the girls are excited to be working with Will, the choreographer who is going to be giving them edgier solo routines. Will is very zen, and he’s focused on the girls using their love of dance to interpret their individual solos. He is extremely positive, and watching Kendall work with Will reminds Jill of how her daughter used to perform when she started with the ALDC and wasn’t the victim of Abby’s negativity. Ashlee and Kira are equally pleased with the new instructor. Across town, Elliana is working on her solo. Abby compares it to a Maddie dance, but she cites that Elliana lacks Maddie’s expressive face and beautiful eyes. Likewise, Alexus is criticized for her stubby legs. Yolanda predicts that Peyton will be able to swoop in and beat her teammates. And damn if I didn’t learn their names. Curses!

Dance Moms blurry mini

Over champagne, the veteran mothers are the most chill they’ve been in seasons. Kira reveals that she received a call from Maddie and MacKenzie’s mom Melissa wanting the details of the defection after getting a text from Abby requesting a shoulder to cry on because the situation. The moms laugh at all the crap Abby has talked about Melissa and her girls in their absence and cite the laundry list of reasons as to why they left. The following day, the girls meet with the musicians to learn the song they will be performing as back-up singers. The moms have decided that they will just take the studio time week by week, especially given that Abby will be learning her fate regarding her prison sentence soon. Speaking of, Abby reminds the minis that her reputation is on the line and her career is being scrutinized. Peyton is struggling with her number so Abby has her rehearse in her costume. When Peyton’s mom takes issue with her daughter’s costume is covered in actual trash (including a maxi pad!!), Abby promptly kicks Peyton out of the group number and cancels her solo.

The veteran moms are over the moon with their girls’ group routine and can’t wait to watch Nia and Kendall perform their music before the competition. However, they are a bit shocked to see the mini mothers at the venue (read: fake bar) to show their support. Peyton’s mom explains trash gate, and Ashlee feigns sympathy. Kira warns the mini moms that if they don’t present a united front to Abby about keeping Peyton in the group routine, they aren’t a true team. Abby herself then burst onto the scene, with loud passive aggressive commentary. The elite girls hadn’t prepared for this awkwardness or her fakeness as she talks about canceling auditions for the elite girls and how tacky it is that the moms have allowed their daughters in a bar. At least they aren’t drinking! After her glitches in the studio, Nia totally rocks her ballad on stage. Abby rolls her eyes and asks if she’s lip syncing. Next, Kendall and Nia join the band, and Jill is nervous for her daughter, and the added nerves that Abby’s presence brings. She shouldn’t worry–they both do an amazing job. Holly is fuming that Abby doesn’t congratulate the girls, so she confronts her in hopes that Abby will take the high road. Instead, Abby belittles Kendall’s participation.


[Photo Credit: Lifetime]

