After two shocking episodes of Below Deck Down Under, the show’s second season and its crew is back on track. For a few hours at least. Captain Jason Chambers now finally has a team that will have one another’s back; though that all may change with the arrival of a familiar face. As adult movie stars arrive for a charter unlike any other, and Culver marks his territory, the good old Below Deck vibe has returned. Here’s everything that happened in Below Deck Down Under Season 2, Episode 8.
How do you pronounce João?

Aesha has dealt with one nightmare, now, she’s worried she may have another on her hands. Harry had just said he didn’t want “a d*ckhead” as his Head of Department. Fresh outta luck, Harry. João Franco has arrived in Australia, ready to lead the deck team and replace the creep who was fired in the last episode. He and Aesha don’t have the greatest history, because a few years back, João had no respect for women.
It’s a sentiment echoed by Tzarina, who notes her best friend was sexually active with João for a while, before he “f*cked her over.” She had promised to punch him in the face if they ever crossed paths again. Thankfully, that’s not happened just yet. The reception was frosty, but let’s see if João can prove people can change. He promises his alter ego Jezabob has retired. For the sake of this crew’s sanity, I really do hope so.
The crew are going to have to pull together and work extra hard to impress their next charter guests. The primary is Laura Desiree, a self-proclaimed sex journalist. She’s bringing on some porn star friends, and they have some requests. Among them is a big gay brunch (here for it), as well as outrageous food, and stunning decor. Oh, and Laura wants to be served as dessert, with her body as the spread.
Margot’s feeling the pressure

The guests arrive, and they’re flirty as hell. Aesha knows exactly how to deal with them. With a new second stew not yet joining the crew, Margot is feeling the pressure. Fortunately, she thinks she does well when she has no other choice. I personally think it’s a lack of belief in herself. Aesha has never had to tell Margot off for doing a bad job. She is probably capable of a lot more than she thinks. She just needs to find that self-belief and apply it to her work. Aesha is a boss who will help nurture that.
Unlike João, who is already coming down like a ton of bricks on his team. He’s rubbing Culver the wrong way from jump. His intentions are correct, in that there should be structure. However, the way he’s going about getting results is by sh*tting on the work the guys have done already. It’s a fine balance, and João hasn’t mastered it just yet.
The biggest problem for the primary? The fact her vibrator didn’t charge at the hotel. Bummer. But that does mean the crew is doing a great job of keeping everybody entertained. That continues as a beach setup is completed by Culver and Harry, but it leads to more behind-the-scenes trouble.
Topless game of topple

Primary Laura goes topless on the beach, and her friend Jessie follows her lead. As they head into the water, they ask Culver and Harry to join them, even requesting they go shirtless. Hoping for a big tip, the guys indulge. It’s just what you do if you feel comfortable and want the big bucks. With Adam and João spying on them through binoculars from the yacht, though, comes fury. João notes the fine line between “professionalism and trying to be a guest.” He takes Adam to the beach to deliver more drinks, and demands Culver and Harry head back with him.
“That is the complete opposite of what they want us to do … that doesn’t make any sense to me,” Culver says in confessional. He also airs his confusion with João in person. The decision is definitely a puzzling one. The guests didn’t ask for their alone time, and were actively trying to involve the crew. Culver and Harry were simply doing their jobs. “You’ve gotta know your guests,” Culver adds.
João later talks to Aesha, worried that the guys will “start rebelling.” She fills him in on how the former bosun didn’t lead with professionalism, and instead had more of a “bro” vibe. Most of all, she’s just shocked that João is treating her with respect. Long may that continue, even if his skills with his own team could use some polishing!
The dollar store curtain

As night comes around, guests are treated to some delicious food. They absolutely love it, and even love the “dollar store curtain” and shabby chic decor from Aesha and Margot. It’s fair to say neither of the two are good at decorating, so let’s hope the new second stew, arriving on the charter’s second night, will be creative. After the food, the guests get to livestreaming – and let’s just say, if you usually watch this show with your parents, maybe skip this one.
Meanwhile, Aesha suggests Harry ask Margot out on a date. He’s nervous, but thinks that the two are “on the same page.” I really hope they can work something out, because their vibe is adorable. Still, I am certain that they may be better as besties rather than lovers. I don’t want either of them ever getting hurt, and becoming incapable of talking to one another.
The next morning, Harry makes his move. Margot is pleased to accept his offer of a sunset date on the sundeck. Fingers crossed it all goes well! Then it’s time for the big gay brunch, which sees the deckhands get into their budgie smugglers, gimp masks, and a strange unicorn outfit. Tzarina cooks up some d*ck and balls sausage and egg, as well as rainbow pearl pancakes. Perfection!
A major mistake rocks the crew

Captain Jason calls Aesha to check out the CV of the new stew. “As long as Jaimee doesn’t have one million opinions and is okay with bottled lime juice, we’re gonna get along just fine,” she jokes. That’s where the fun and games end, however, as things go completely wrong for the deckhands.
João is busy with one of the guests kayaking (double standards?), so Captain Jason asks for Culver, Harry, and Adam to help him bring in the tender. Culver is on the controls, but the wind and swell is going to cause some issues. This becomes more apparent than ever, as the boat begins swinging as soon as it comes out of the water. With it raised up even higher, it comes smashing into the railings on the top deck of the yacht. The episode ends, as Captain Jason falls over.
Below Deck Down Under continues Mondays at 8/7c on Bravo.