Below Deck Down Under Season 2, Episode 11 Recap: Mistake After Mistake

Below Deck Down Under recap
(Photo by: Mark Rogers/Bravo via Getty Images)

As the double bill of Below Deck Down Under reached its second episode this week, there are more mistakes aboard the Northern Sun. While we didn’t want it to be Adam’s fault, it was. He didn’t get the fender in place in time, resulting in an expensive scratch to the side of the yacht. His lines were also in need of some adjustments from João. Fortunately, the bosun has a soft spot for the hard worker. What happens at the end of this week’s second instalment, however, may be the final straw for Captain Jason. Here’s everything that went down in Below Deck Down Under Season 2, Episode 11.

Captain Jason wants deck team perfection

Below Deck Down Under recap
(Photo by: Mark Rogers/Bravo via Getty Images)

After an emotional goodbye from the nicest guests ever, who thanked the crew for making “every moment so special for all of us,” it was time for the usual turnover, and tip meeting. As this was just a one-day charter, the tip wasn’t going to be as big as some we’ve seen. Still, the guests clearly loved their time, as they left a whopping $17,500 behind, breaking down to $1,458 per person. Not bad at all!

As for the feedback. Captain Jason wants interior to keep their foot on the gas; they and Tzarina are making an incredible team. As for the deckhands, however. There are “too many mistakes,” and this next charter has to be “perfection.” This far into the season, the “little mistakes” are beginning to add up.

It’s not all bad news, however, as Jason reveals the crew will get the rest of the day off. He’s prepared an exciting excursion consisting of diving, snorkeling, and regenerating coral for the Barrier Reef. He’s got one final surprise for Aesha, in the form of her moustachioed boyfriend, Scott! Their reunion is a beautiful one. It’s emotional, and I’d be lying if I said I could understand a single sentence that came out of Aesha’s mouth.

Aesha and Scott have been together for over two years. “He’s my best friend in the world, I love him so much,” she says, before introducing him to the rest of the crew. “It’s such a nice top up of love.” She even tells Scott that João has been on his best behavior!

Time to relax

Below Deck Down Under recap
(Photo by: Mark Rogers/Bravo via Getty Images)

As they head to the Coral Sanctuary on Fitzroy Island, João and Tzarina are touchy-feely on the journey. There is 100% something going down here in future episodes. I can’t even be mad about it; João is slowly winning me over. It really does feel like he’s changed.

It’s great to see the crew giving back to the ocean. Aesha notes how the yachting industry has negatively impacted on the ocean in some ways, so she’s happy to be able to cultivate new life, by planting coral.

After their good work, the crew head for some food. Adam jokes that Margot can be his “fake girlfriend” for the day, which leaves Harry a little upset. This whole situation is kinda awkward. It was clear that Adam and Margot are just friends goofing around, but Harry thinks they’re flirting.

It doesn’t get any better when Adam later asks Margot to rub sun protection into his back. Perhaps it’s the lovebirds Aesha and Scott that has everybody feeling some sort of way. “They’re gonna get married,” Tzarina says. Then, she makes some more moves on João. “I think you have the perfect body for a guy,” she tells him, before noting that she is drunk so she may be mistaken. Still, those arm tickles don’t lie! There are feelings there. Or she’s just trying to get over Culver being stuck to Jaimee like glue. One of the two.

A trip to the Friend Zone

Below Deck Down Under recap
(Photo by: Mark Rogers/Bravo via Getty Images)

Heading for food and drinks, the crew arrive at the marina. Everyone loves Scott. He seems like an easy guy to get along with. Culver and Jaimee are discussing home life. Culver tells tales of his family farm, and Jaimee notes a psychic told her she’d marry someone with a farm. Well, if it’s written in the stars!

Adam loves yachting, and has promised his family a house in the near-future. I really hope it works out for him. João tells him that he’ll get in touch with his brother, and try to wrangle him a commercial yachting position. It’s nice to see just how far João has come. Please don’t mess it up, João. We’re rooting for you! People really can change, and you’re proving that.

Harry speaks to Tzarina about her connection with João. She responds that anything sexual would be “playing with fire,” and that “sex ruins a lot.” When Margot then asks João for a massage in exchange for a head scratch, she tells Harry he’s being “friend-zoned.”

This leads to some petty back-and-forth between Harry and Margot, because she’s shocked he does leg workouts. They go for a private one-to-one, and Harry finally gets it. She’s just not that into him. He feels awful, but takes it like a champ. He’s not a toxic bloke; just one who wears his heart on his sleeve.

Has Jaimee broken girl code?

Below Deck Down Under recap
(Photo by: Mark Rogers/Bravo via Getty Images)

On the return to the yacht, Tzarina calls Culver her favorite insult of the season: “slut.” Jaimee is beginning to grow weary of the whole situation. “It’s not funny banter,” she fumes to Culver. The conversation continues in the hot tub, where Jaimee demands Culver say something to Tzarina. “You clearly need to set boundaries,” she advises. It’s fair enough. Jaimee is still fresh on the boat, and while she knew Tzarina liked Culver, that’s not really her problem. Culver is the one with some explaining to do.

João goes to Tzarina’s bunk to see if she’s up for some hot tub time. She’d rather just go to sleep, and seemingly hints that João can join her. Instead, he leaves her to rest.

The next day, Scott is leaving. He’s planning a trip to the Philippines with Aesha, where Captain Jason lives. The goodbye is an emotional one. Aesha deserved this reunion. It was everything and more. These two are life partners for sure.

Meanwhile, Culver jokes he might be back on his tinned tuna diet after talking to Tzarina. Their chat goes surprisingly well. Tzarina is angrier at Jaimee than Culver, it seems. She thinks she’s broken “girl code.” Now, I’m not a girl, but I actually don’t think Jaimee needs to explain herself. Love Tzarina, but not vibing with her on this one.

Adam’s next mistake may prove fatal

Below Deck Down Under recap
(Photo by: Mark Rogers/Bravo via Getty Images)

In a preference sheet meeting, the heads of department learn about Emily Monstrey. She’s the primary guest, an American investor who got stuck in Australia during the pandemic, and now calls the country home. She’ll be coming on board with a bunch of her friends.

João warns his team that “sometimes, I’m gonna be the bad guy.” He needs to whip them into shape, so it’s fair enough.

The guest arrival is a smooth one, and undocking goes well. The tender is secured, the guests are happy and sipping on drinks, while Tzarina is prepping food. It’s when the yacht prepares to anchor that a major problem sets in.

Adam is sent to release the anchor, but it slips through too early. Unable to engage the chain, it’s slipping at a fast rate deeper into the ocean, all while the yacht continues to move at speed. “That anchor chain can whip out and take your head off,” João interviews. Then we get the dreaded, TO BE CONTINUED. Oh, Adam…

Below Deck Down Under continues Mondays at 8/7c on Bravo.