Married to Medicine Season 11, Episode 7 Recap: The $100,000 Gala

Married to Medicine Season 11, Episode 7
Photo Credit: Chris Reel/Bravo via Getty Images

When we last saw the ladies of Married to Medicine, they were wrapping up their Cowboy Carter-themed glamping experience in Orlando, Florida. The intention of the trip was to create harmony throughout the group, but it mainly just turned into mayhem. Dr. Contessa was ready to square up with Dr. Heavenly, Dr. Jackie fell to the ground trying to break it up, and Phaedra sat there saying absolutely nothing.

In Married to Medicine Season 11, Episode 7 “Mean Girls Gala,” the ladies attended the second annual Med Gala. Jackie tapped Phaedra to be the co-chair, and she set a lofty goal for the event. She claimed she’d be able to fundraise $100,000 in donations. Did it happen? Well, sort of. Here’s what went down…

What happened in Married to Medicine Season 11, Episode 7?

Married to Medicine Season 11, Episode 7
Photo Credit: Chris Reel/Bravo

Dr. Jackie scrambled to make the Med Gala a success while the rest of the women questioned whether or not Phaedra could live up to the $100,000 fundraising goal she set in Episode 6. At the gala, we finally met the new Married to Medicine cast member Dr. Mirica “Mimi” Sanders, and we saw a handful of familiar faces in the crowd, including a Real Housewives of Atlanta legend. Keep on reading for all of the tea on the second annual Med Gala.

A day at Lake Heavenly

Dr. Heavenly Kimes for Married to Medicine Season 11
Photo Credit: Phylicia J. L. Munn/Bravo

The episode kicked off at Dr. Heavenly’s lake house, which we didn’t know she had. She invited all of the ladies over to celebrate her son as he went off to dental school. He’s following in his mom’s footsteps, and Heavenly couldn’t be prouder.

Dr. Heavenly put out a whole spread of food, and everyone scored an invitation except Sweet Tea and Dr. Contessa. They still have a long way to go before they get invited to Lake Heavenly.

With the Med Gala looming, the ladies immediately started talking about whether or not Phaedra could deliver on her $100,000 promise. Jackie said she was “nervous” about the whole thing, which irritated Phaedra.

In a confessional, Phaedra said that Jackie was only hosting the Med Gala to try to clean up for her 2023 controversy when she was dragged for saying that Black women “cry wolf” about pregnancy pains. Leave it to Phaedra to bring that back from the grave.

The curious case of the Rolls-Royce

Married to Medicine Season 11, Episode 7
Photo Credit: @absolutelyquad via Instagram

We refuse to let go of the fact that Quad’s boyfriend “gifted” her a Rolls-Royce a few episodes back. Toya isn’t letting it go either. Bless her for constantly asking the hard questions this season. During the graduation party, she asked Quad, “So, what did you do to get that Rolls-Royce?”

According to Quad, the Rolls-Royce just comes with the territory of dating a man with a lot of money. We think it has more to do with the fact that he owns a luxury car rental business — emphasis on the word ‘rental.” The ladies of Married to Medicine, however, had their own theories.

In a confessional, Dr. Simone said that Quad was giving “super head” to get the luxury car. Dr. Heavenly didn’t take it that far. She just said that “we all know” what Quad did to get the car. For us, the real question is: Does she still have it?

Hell First Baptist

Married to Medicine Season 11, Episode 7
Phot Credit: Derek White/Bravo

After the graduation party, Phaedra went to Lateasha’s house where the two talked about the status of the group. They were fully expecting the group to be in their kumbaya era after the Orlando trip. Instead, they’re still feeling resentment about how the trip unfolded.

Specifically, they both expressed some frustration with Heavenly and how she escalated the fight with Contessa. Sweet Tea said that there’s a double standard with Heavenly and that the group lets her get away with bad behavior. She said that Heavenly was Jackie’s “dog,” and that she didn’t hold her accountable. Meanwhile, Phaedra said that Heavenly’s behavior reflects poorly on the whole group.

“You can’t be that close to the devil and not have devilish ways,” Phaedra remarked.

Continuing with the devil analogy, Phaedra reminded Sweet Tea that Heavenly is a “church lady.” She said she’s a proud member of Hell First Baptist. Yikes!

Ultimately, Sweet Tea said that she needs two things from Heavenly: a genuine apology and a peace offering. The only issue is that no one has any idea what type of “peace offering” she has in mind. Does she want a fruit basket? Does she want a gift card to Smiles by Dr. Heavenly? No one knows, and we’re not sure that Sweet Tea knows either.

Dr. Jackie appointed a co-co-chair

Married to Medicine Season 11, Episode 7
Photo Credit: Derek White/Bravo

This week, Dr. Jackie was completely stressed out about the Med Gala. After Quad crashed last year’s event, Jackie really wanted this to be bigger and better than ever. Unfortunately, she quickly realized that asking Phaedra for help was probably not a good idea. She was too busy trying to angle her way back onto RHOA to help coordinate a gala.

With that in mind, Jackie tapped Heavenly to be the co-co-chair of the gala. The two ladies did a walkthrough of the venue ahead of the event, and Heavenly specifically asked the party planner, “What did Phaedra do? What did she contribute to this?”

Although the party planner kept her mouth shut, Dr. Jackie didn’t. In a confessional, she exclaimed that Phaedra did absolutely nothing to help prepare for the gala. She said she contributed zero dollars. Fortunately, she makes up for it in a big way at the actual event, or at least that’s what we’re led to believe.

The Second Annual Med Gala

Married to Medicine Season 11, Episode 7
Photo Credit: Chris Reel/Bravo

On some Bravo shows, planning a gala would be enough storyline to cover an entire season. The Married to Medicine ladies don’t roll like that, and they got right to the point with this year’s Med Gala. By the end of Episode 7, they were dressed for the Mother Nature enchanted garden theme and off to the gala.

Inside the event, we got some fun cameos. Dr. Alicia Egolum was in the building along with Anila Sajja. Dr. Mimi, a psychiatrist and a friend of Dr. G, made her debut. We’ll be seeing more of her next week.

More importantly, the Med Gala brought the one and only Dwight Eubanks from RHOA. The penile implant owner helped get Phaedra together for the event, and he also helped auction off some items to reach the $100,000 goal.

The auction started small. Some of the initial prizes included an O-shot from Dr. Jackie, a glass bowl that was hand-blown by Quad, and a Botox package. Then, it started to get weird when Quad tried to auction off a personal cooking experience with her. She thought it would go for $3,000.

Dr. Greg, who squashed his beef with Dr. Damon earlier in the night, snickered in the audience at the idea of paying that much for Quad’s cooking. He said that his ex-wife’s culinary skills weren’t worth the money. Someone did end up spending over $1,000 on it.

The big prize of the night turned out to be a date with Phaedra. Heavenly started the bidding at $4,000. She looked into the audience and said, “Dr. G, are you bidding?”

Let’s be honest. People weren’t quick to throw their money towards a date with Phaedra. Heavenly said it was probably because everyone in the room “already had her.” Lo and behold, some older gentleman in a bright red hat walked up and said he went on a date with Phaedra 28 years ago and would like another chance. That was $4,000 more to the Med Gala pot.

Did Phaedra raise $100,000 for the Med Gala?

Phaedra Parks Married to Medicine Season 11 cast photo
Photo Credit: Phylicia J. L. Munn/Bravo

Once all of the auction items were done, the ladies went into the back to count their coins. Obviously, they didn’t make six figures from auctioning off bowls, dates, and Botox. They ended up having $53,430 in their cash drawer, falling tremendously short of the lofty goal Phaedra set. Fortunately, Ms. Money Bags Parks had them covered.

In a stunning move, Phaedra said that she would personally pay the remaining $47,000 they were hoping to raise for the Med Gala charity. She pulled out a Sharpie and a giant cardboard check before presenting the donation to the entire party.

According to Phaedra, she had no problem writing a check that big because she’s a woman with so many “jobs.” This is the type of behavior that usually brings the IRS to your front door. Regardless, we’re just glad the money went to a good cause.

Married to Medicine Season 11 continues every Sunday night at 9/8c on Bravo.