After a painfully long wait, The Traitors Season 3 is finally here. Season 3 has an iconic cast, with reality stars from all of our favorite shows. Among these shows is Survivor, with four former castaways featured this season.
One of them is the iconic Rob Mariano, aka Boston Rob. While Rob was a great Survivor player, his position on The Traitors feels somewhat forced. Rob was strangely brought into the season. This makes it feel like producers are trying to highlight him more than the other players. Unfortunately for Rob, his role on The Traitors is nowhere near as interesting as his time on Survivor was.
Boston Rob joined The Traitors in an odd way

Unlike the other contestants this season, Rob didn’t join the cast immediately. Once the others arrived at the castle, Alan Cumming explained that there was a special twist. An individual under a mask could join the game if one of the other players came forward to shake Alan’s hand. The catch, however, was that the player would also have to choose a fellow player to banish instantly.
The mystery player turned out to be Rob, although no one came forward to shake Alan’s hand. This meant that Rob couldn’t join the season, although Alan later bent the rules to include him. Alan explained that Rob would enter the castle as a Traitor, despite no one else risking their position to bring him in.
This made Rob’s appearance this season feel incredibly forced. Rob feels like a producer plant, which is annoying on a show like The Traitors. It’s evident that producers want Rob to go far this season based on how they bent the rules for him. It was also frustrating that Alan introduced the new twist at the start of the season just for it to carry zero weight.
Rob being brought in as a Traitor feels way too obvious

If Rob being practically forced onto the season wasn’t bad enough, producers really missed the mark by making him a Traitor. Given the way he was brought in, it seems too obvious that Rob is a Traitor. Rob should’ve been a Faithful, as it would help him to play more of a lowkey game.
This season, Alan chose a decent group of Traitors who no one would expect. He didn’t go with any of the obvious choices at first, looking at you Tom Sandoval! However, Rob is way too obvious of a pick for a Traitor. Rob is one of the most well-known contestants of the Season 3 cast, which will make it hard for him to get to the end as a Traitor. For some reason, producers seem intent on highlighting Rob this season. Unfortunately, making him a Traitor will probably cause his journey to end sooner than if he was a Faithful.
Rob is the fourth Survivor player to join the Season 3 cast

The Traitors Season 3 is currently the hangout spot for iconic Survivor players. In addition to Rob, Carolyn Wiger, Tony Vlachos, and Jeremy Collins are featured in this season. Rob has been on Survivor five times, whereas Tony and Jeremy have played three times and Carolyn only once. Out of all four of these players, Rob is easily the most well-known. After all, even people who have never watched Survivor have heard about Boston Rob.
At this point, it kind of feels like Rob is outshining the other Survivor players. The fact that Rob is perceived as such a threat is taking away from the other Survivor alums. Carolyn, in particular, has been slightly overshadowed by Rob as she is also a Traitor. As the Survivor newbie of the group, Carolyn being chosen as a Traitor is brilliant. However, the fact that Rob is also a Traitor has taken away from that slightly.
While Rob is an amazing Survivor player, The Traitors hasn’t been the best fit for him so far. Rob was brought into the game in a complicated way, which has affected his game. Being selected as a Traitor also hasn’t helped Rob. It will be surprising if Rob doesn’t get murdered or banished in the next few episodes, as it will be hard for him to make it to the end.
The Traitors Season 3 continues Thursdays on Peacock.