Desiree Hartsock Dishes On Her Upcoming Bachelorette Season; Plus Has Chris Harrison Found Love?


Who doesn't love to watch strangers meet, get whisked off to exotic locales, fall in love and find fame get married?  It's a tried and true formula, and it almost always works…the fifteen minutes of fame, of course–not the marriage.

ABC's new Bachelorette is hoping that the show's odds are in her favor (or not in her favor…whichever makes her more likely to find a guy she actually likes) after failing to find love with Bachelor Sean Lowe.  Desiree Hartsock, like all the other true believers before her, still thinks that the process can work.  Sure.

Speaking of finding love, the shows' host, the dapper Chris Harrison, has apparently done just that.  And not with me.  Curses!


Speaking to E!, Desiree chats about her time on the show, and reveals that her brother will be a part of the show.  She says, "He was actually very supportive, so he will meet the men!"

Even though he had an infamous fight with her reality "ex," Desiree's brother doesn't dislike the show.  Of last season's spat, Desiree explains, "That was a very Sean-specific conversation and it was because he saw that Sean wasn't right for me, but he is very supporting of me being able to choose and decide what's right for me."

As for her potential suitors, Desiree shares, "There are a lot of strong yet emotional men this season, so they do stand up for themselves so that does create a lot of drama."

Teasing about one guy who asked to go to the fantasy suite on the first night, Desiree admits, "It was very uncomfortable, but I kind of took it as a I would in my day-to-day life and kind disregarded his behavior and didn't stand for it!"

While things didn't work out with Sean, she does believe that he was there for the right reasons…as she is now.  Desiree tells the site, "I learned from Sean…I took each and every day separately and really focused on each and every relationship, and I believe Sean was really good at that."

When questioned how she knew she ready for the show, Desiree answers, "I was past that [hurt of not being chosen] and I knew Sean and I weren't meant to be together.  I did have to take time on my own to think about it because it is very emotional and it's a personal journey, so I needed to make sure I could share that with the world."

Although she can't discuss whether she's still with one of her twenty-five suitors, Desiree says, "I'm glad I did decide to do the show and I was satisfied with my decision throughout. I followed and trusted my heart the best show. I feel I stayed true to myself throughout."

It seems the romance of the show has also rubbed off on its host.  Having separated from his wife of eighteen years, Chris may have found someone with whom to share a fantasy suite.  Good for him…bad for me.

Life & Style reports that Chris recently vacationed with a woman named Kelly Sarac.  A source reveals, “They were kissing and had their arms wrapped around each other in the airport.  Once they got through security, they made their way to the bar and picked up a couple of drinks,” adding, "It was clear they were a couple."

A rep for Chris gives the standard “they’re just friends" response, but I think that is just to soften the blow for me a bit. 🙂


[Photo Credit: ABC]