Dance Moms Reunion Recap: The Return of Black Patsy

I am still baffled why Dance Moms needed a two-part reunion, but apparently Kaya had a lot to say, and there is never enough time for Candy Apple Cathy and Abby Lee Miller to bicker.  The reunion did have to reach back to past seasons to get enough material though. 

Poor Jeff Collins looks like he had a couple Red Bulls after the first hour.  We are treated to the moms dancing at Abby's dance recital from a past season.  Cathy choreographed the act, and she took off mid-number to perform a crazy-eyed jazz solo.  It's hilarious, and Abby shockingly is appalled that Cathy tried to purposely embarrass the ladies.

Cathy and Abby discuss the competition between their two studios.  Cathy thinks her studio is just as good as Abby's, but she does credit Abby's dancers for having more star power.  Jill and Cathy go at each other over Kendall.  Cathy isn't keen on Jill's studio hopping, and Jill doesn't like that Kendall didn't fit in with the other Candy Apple dancers.  Cathy is questioned about whether she has cheated in the past by trying to sneak older dancers into younger age categories.  Lots of choreographers average ages of those dancing in group numbers according to Cathy.  She proudly admits to copying Chloe's solo music for one of her dancers to psyche out poor Chloe before she performed.  After a viewer question, Cathy addresses bringing in outside choreographers.  Abby admits to have done the same, saying that she likes working with them.


Jeff revisits Kelly and Abby's long history.  He asks Kelly if she thinks Abby is jealous of her.  Kelly explains that Abby holds a grudge against her due to some boy in their tween past.  Abby isn't jealous of Kelly, but she does think that Kelly's parents didn't push her enough as a dancer.  Now she sees the same scenario playing out with Brooke and Paige.  Abby believes it's is a travesty that Kelly doesn't push Brooke harder given her talent.  Kelly tries to tell Abby that all the kids learn differently, and not everyone responds to negative reinforcement.  Abby doesn't believe that Kelly's girls want to be there as much as they should.  Kelly hates how Abby compares MacKenzie to Maddie and Paige to Brooke.  You can see Holly and Melissa nodding in agreement.  Kelly does share that despite all the tension, she loves Abby like a sister. 

Jeff brings up Christi's treatment of Melissa.  The women compete via their daughters.  Christi believes that Melissa hides behind her sweet demeanor and excuses.  She knows that she gets upset when Maddie beats Chloe, but she doesn't make excuses for it.  Maddie is never going to learn how to lose gracefully if her mother always has a reason why she got second instead of first.  Christi brings up a few times when Maddie hasn't been on her best behavior, but Melissa totally covers for her.  When Chloe loses, Christi just chalks it up to another dancer being better…and Melissa just can't seem to do that.  

Kaya joins the women, and her explosive one episode appearance is highlighted.  Jeff asks Kaya about her nickname Black Patsy.  She reveals that her mom started calling her that after Patsy Ramsey because she acted like a crazy stage mom.  Kaya felt the most tension from Christi when her daughter Nikaya joined the troupe.  Christi explains that she didn't think it was fair that Nikaya was able to join the group mid-season.  Kaya makes the excellent point that if that is what bothered Christi then she should take up her concerns with Abby instead of taking them out on her.  She just wants the best for daughter like the other moms.  She's feisty!  I hope she's around next season.  Jill is uncomfortable with Kaya saying she does not want to fit in with the other mothers.  She is appreciative of how Melissa and Holly were kind of nice to her.  Kaya knows that Nia loved having another black girl join the studio.  Holly agrees, but she says that she prefers character over skin color, and she thought Kaya acted really out of line when she fought with the moms.  Kaya cracks some jokes about being a lesbian, and she claims some of the mothers had an issue with it.  Of course, they all deny it.  In the end of her segment, Kaya compliments Melissa for being so friendly, accuses Kelly of living vicariously through her daughters, calls Christi bitter and Jill a chameleon who acts like whomever she is around at the time.  I think she may be on to something!  Holly thinks that Naya came in on the defensive.

The girls are introduced, and Jeff asks them each a question.  Nia is every bit as poised and well-spoken as her mom.  She says she enjoys going to Abby Lee because she likes spending time with her friends and improving her dance skills. MacKenzie's favorite part about being made-up is wearing shiny lip gloss.   Maddie reveals that she gets more attention from boys being on the show.  Brooke hopes to continue with her singing.  Paige has learned some valuable lessons from Abby, including how to put on eyeliner and eat spaghetti.  Chloe talks about how she has gained more confidence, and if Kendall could dance with anyone in history, dead or alive, she would choice Michael JacksonVivi-Anne states her mom is her favorite dance teacher.  All of these girls are precious, and they are totally the stars of this show despite their crazy mothers!


[Photo Credit: Lifetime]