Family Matriarch Beyond her role as a reality TV star, Nanny Faye Chrisley is the beloved matriarch of the Chrisley family, known for her infectious energy and witty sense of humor on the show “Chrisley Knows Best.” Southern Charm Nanny Faye Chrisley embodies Southern charm and hospitality, captivating audiences with her endearing personality and heartwarming […]
Chrisley Knows Best
Early Exposure Grayson Chrisley made his television debut at 7 on “Chrisley Knows Best,” showcasing his natural talents from a young age. Family Ties Grayson is part of the Chrisley family, known for their entertaining antics and close relationships, making him a beloved figure among reality TV enthusiasts. Tech Savvy Grayson received his first phone […]
Super Star Todd’s journey into fame began after the premiere of “Chrisley Knows Best” in 2014, showcasing the intricacies of his family life to a broad audience. Family Man Despite facing legal challenges, Todd remains a dedicated family man, cherishing his relationships with his wife and children amidst the trials of public scrutiny. Charismatic Persona […]
Latest News
Todd thinks he knows best.
Savannah has some harsh words for the judge.
They didn't have the desired impact on the judge.
Fame is indeed a fickle friend, I guess.
Hello darkness, her old friend.
Julie might be staying in the pen after all.
Savannah has a close call with TSA.
She's on the move.
It's been a rough few years for Savannah.
Julie is taking a little road trip.
It's time for Shannon to stop and smell the roses.
Robert Jr. goes to rehab.
This was all a big, non-gay misunderstanding.
Liar, liar, the receipts are on fire.