‘Real NYC Housewives’ Bethenny Frankel Discusses Feud With Jill Zarin & Patti Stanger


In a new interview, Bethenny Frankel, star of the Real Housewives of New York City, speaks out on her castmates, touches on her feud with Jill Zarin, and also discusses being slammed by Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger. She’s getting married today by the way.

Excerpts from Bethenny’s interview with Zap2it below –

Jill really took that “get a hobby” voice message to heart. What do you think about her keeping it that long and the fact she plays it for people?

I know. That to me is shocking. Yeah, at a certain level, I have trust in people. So, I was just completely shocked. The thing is I say it got disproportionate to what it originally was. It escalated. I meant everything I said on that message. She didn’t play the entire message. I’m not sure why she didn’t want everyone to hear the whole message. I meant everything I said, but the playing for other people is like somebody opening up your journal. I didn’t blast it out to 20 people.

Knowing how much she cares about that line, have you apologized at least for that part of the message or are you going to?

You know what I say on marriages and relationships? It’s never about what it’s about. Something small happens and there’s something much more massive underneath it. Sometimes the aftershock is worse than the original earthquake kind of thing. I think that what happened after became so much more enormous, as you’ll see throughout the season, that I was reaching out. To get to the place where I am now, where it’s become a much different thing. Other things were said. Other things were done. It really became a whole other issue.

Kelly recently posed for Playboy. Would you ever pose for Playboy?

At this point in my life, not even because I’m pregnant, that would not be a good business decision for me. With business, it’s like a thread. Everything needs to adhere to that line. There would be no reason, no upside to posing for Playboy for me. It would not be good for my brand. I think for somebody like a Heidi Montag, where she was sort of on her way down, I think that was a good thing to do. It depends on what your endgame is. Posing nude for PETA, that was for charity and not really about business, but it wouldn’t hurt my brand. I just don’t think that posing for Playboy has anything to do with anything that I am.

Last season, you had a problem with Ramona’s statement that Jill likes to adopt the underdog and she was referring to you. Do you see some truth to that statement now?

It happens with girlfriends all the time. When you’re down and out, people rally around you. It’s easy for you to be the one that’s the needy one. When you’re not the underdog anymore, things shift. Yeah, I do think there was something to what Ramona said. I didn’t see it at the time or I didn’t choose to see it, but I can understand why she said that. Absolutely.


Some people believe that Jill is attracted to LuAnn right now, because she’s the underdog at this moment. Do you agree with that?

Well, it’s not that I think she’s particularly vulnerable, but she’s newly single and she needs friends and she needs people to hang out with and Jill has a lot of free time and likes to spend it shopping and gossiping and plotting and all that kind of stuff. So, you need a partner in crime in that. I got really, really busy. I’ve always been busy, but it got to a different level. I was trying to manage a relationship while marketing a book, a liquor brand and my own television show and just all these different things. So, I wasn’t able to indulge in all those things I was able to indulge in before and LuAnn maybe has more free time, since she’s not married, to do that.

Rumors have been circulating for a while regarding your feud with “The Millionaire Matchmaker” Patti Stanger, but recently she took it public on Twitter. Why do you think she did that?

It probably elevates herself or gets her attention. She doesn’t even exist to me. She’s not a person I ever really think about. I don’t really know her very well at all. She used to be represented by my agent and that didn’t work out. A while ago, when first my TV show was announced, she was saying ‘it’s not official,’ ‘it’s not definitely happening.’ She was always very, very, in tune with what I was doing. So, I guess she still is for some reason. It doesn’t even register. I honestly couldn’t possibly care less about her or what she did. Her whole platform is not something I’m really that jazzed about. She and Jill are best friends and they’re the two yentas on Bravo. So, I’m sure it’s a lot of good fodder.

Also, one of the complaints among your critics is that you’re obsessed with your fiance and talk about him entirely too much. What do you have to say about that?

When the show was shooting, I was newly, madly in love. It was all I was excited about and I’m sure that will continue the whole season. Also, everyone was fascinated by me and my ex-boyfriend and by me being the wounded bird who was broken up. And everybody was very ‘you’re our Carrie from ‘Sex and the City” and ‘will you find love’ and ‘we want you to find love’ and all that. So, now people are invested in me finding it. You can’t win for losing, so it is what it is. It’s what really happened. It’s my reality. I’m excited about it. You know what, it’s boring hearing me talk about work, so let me talk about him and nauseate people with that. No one’s ever going to be happy.