VIDEO: MTV Releases Real World: San Diego Trailer! Plus View The Contract Participants Are Required To Sign!

For those of you who still watch, the Real World is back for its 2 millionth season (ok actually, only 26th) with its newest installment Real World: San Diego.

Featuring the tried and true premise that has worked for over two decades, six roommates live in a house and see how much they can get on each other’s nerves, hook up, party, and supposedly undergo life changes, oh and get real. Sadly, I still remember when this show was only in its 4th and 5th seasons!

To prepare you for the excitement and the drama, MTV has released the trailer for the new season. The new cast members are Ashley Kelsey, Alexandra Govere, Frank Sweeney, Nate Stodghill, Priscilla Mendez, Samantha McGinn, and Zach Nichols. MTV has yet to release the cast photos.

Also, to prepare you for the drama, the contract MTV requires all castmates to sign has been released and it includes some very interesting (re: gruesome) provisions, which include allowing MTV to have blanket rights to their entire lives even if their story and the events are misrepresented. Included in the 30-page document are some of the following stipulations:

  • All castmates are made aware they may be subjected to: “non-consensual physical contact which could result in which could result in my contracting of any type of sexually transmitted disease, including without limitation, HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, herpes, syphilis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), Chlamydia, scabies (crabs), hepatitis, genital warts, and other communicable and sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy, which MTV is not responsible for. “ So MTV is condoning … rape?
  • You may die, lose limbs, and suffer nervous breakdowns. (Stipulation 1)
  • You may be humiliated and explicitly portrayed “in a false light.” (Stipulation 12)
  • Producers are under no obligation to conduct background checks on your fellow cast members. (Stipulation 7) I find this particularly interesting.
  • You agree that you are not pregnant and if you do become pregnant, you’ll tell the Producer immediately–and pregnancy is grounds for dismissal. (Stipulation 38)
  • You can’t change your physical appearance during filming, without the Producer’s express permission. (Stipulation 26)
  • Your email may be monitored during participation. (Section 20b)
  • Normally (i.e. the real real wold) these practices would be considered a “serious” invasion of privacy, but since contestants agree to participate in the show this is all completely legal.
  • Contestants promise not to hide from MTV cameras in establishments where they can’t film. The production crew can show up at your personal house at any time to film and/or to take anything they want, as long as they return the objects once production has ended. (Section 20a)

Additionally, MTV’s contract also demands that cast members be at their beck and call for up to five-years following the conclusion of filming:

– For one year after the show’s final episode airs, cast members are required to participate in all producer-determined press and forbidden from engaging in any media (radio, television, chat rooms, blogs) without the Producer’s written permission. (9)

– The Producer holds the authorship and copyright to every photograph, email, website, sound or video recording, documented performance created in relation to the program, on every medium imaginable. (8)

– You’re obligated to participate in a Reunion Special for up to five years after the show ends, you’ll be paid $2500 for your involvement, and the Producer only has to give you 14 days notice. (50c)

– You’re required to participate in book or home video projects for two years after the show ends, and you’ll be paid $750.00 for each one. (50f)

You can view the full contract here. Personal aside: I’ve spoken to reality TV producers that work for other networks and have worked for MTV, they informed me this is a fairly standard contract for reality television participants. It makes you wonder if having your 15-minutes of fame is worth it…

The trailer for the new season can be seen below! Real World: San Diego premieres Wednesday, Sept. 28 on MTV





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Will you be watching Real World: San Diego or are you over Real World? Would you participate in a reality show knowing all the details? Can you believe any of this is even legal?