Draya Michele Reveals She Has A Sex Tape! Gloria Govan Believes Rumors About Ex-Fiance Matt Barnes & Eva Longoria

Basketball Wives L.A.’s star Draya Michele is often referred to as a groupie. Now she may be adding movie star to her resume…”home movie” star, that is.

Friday, per the usual, Draya was tweeting up a storm as she got ready for an evening out on the town. Things then took a drastic turn when Draya revealed that she has an intimate home video that may be surfacing. “So someone is threatening to leak a very private movie,” she says, noting, “There’s only 2 people in possession of it and I am one.”

Draya went on to thank her supporters and issued a “pre-apology” to her family. “I just wanna pre apologize to my family, my son, my friends, and my supporters. We live in a very cruel word… I always assumed it was love that drove certain individuals crazy…. Come to find out it was MONEY and the want for it the whole time,” wrote Draya.

There has been no mention of the tape since, and Draya seems to be forgetting her troubles while partying in West Palm Beach. A screenshot of her tweets is below –

Meanwhile, Gloria Govan is taking the news of her ex-fiancé’s new personal life in stride…you know, those rumors that he has been getting more than a little cozy with Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria. In an interview with Sister2Sister, Gloria opens up about the toll the show took on her relationship with Matt Barnes, her future dating life and those pesky stories about how quickly Matt has moved on…

While Gloria doesn’t blame the show for the demise of their relationship, she does believe that editing didn’t paint a true picture of the kind of fiancé she was to Matt. For example, when she told her sister that Matt “can bounce” if he’s not happy with how she does things, Gloria claims that the scene made her look disrespectful to her mate. She admits, “That was a heartfelt conversation between me and my sister. I was on the verge of tears. They didn’t show all that. That’s not how I feel. I actually kinda like him.”

Of the show, Gloria says, “I think it definitely brought on added stress to our relationship. We’re filming five days a week for hours at a time. That brings on added drama and added stress. The show wasn’t the reason Matt and I have gone our separate ways, but it has added some unnecessary drama.”

However, while Gloria seems to choose her words carefully in regard to her ex, she’s skeptical of his denial that anything is going on between him and Eva Longoria. She jokes, “Dang. I haven’t even been out of the house for a month.” She insinuates that the rumors are true, stating, “Those are the things that float around that start to get to you in your relationship. I know he denied it, but I don’t really know too much about that situation to say it’s not true, but I don’t know enough to say that it is. It wouldn’t surprise me.” Hmmm…is she implying it happened before they split?

She continues, “I’m not sure if I think they’re rumors. I think at this point having been with Matt, I don’t really put anything past him. He hasn’t directly said, ‘I’m doing this. I’m doing that.’ I’ve heard from some sources that it could be a definite possibility.”

While Gloria says she isn’t dating yet, she isn’t opposed to pursuing a new relationship. She reveals, “At some point in time when I am starting to look to seriously date, it could be a celebrity or another athlete from another sport.” No basketballers? Gloria asserts, “I’m attracted to athletes, but I have enough respect for Matt not to date one of his colleagues.” Plus, I’m guessing she’d rather have a celebrity.

Well, as nice as that is she does get in a few digs…perhaps aimed at Eva or maybe castmate Draya Michele. Gloria muses, “If you continue to date athletes, you’re going to be considered a groupie. At some point in time, you have to have respect for yourself and not dip into the same cookie jar.”

A new episode of Basketball Wives: L.A. airs tonight at 8PM ET on VH1.