RHOA’s Kenya Moore Shares First 42 Pages Of Her Memoir

Kenya Moore

The Real Housewives of Atlanta’s resident caflama queen, Kenya Moore, managed to win the hearts of many of the show’s fans, instead of getting their ire up in her usual fashion, after seeing her go through a heart wrenching scene on Sunday’s episode. Kenya attempted to once again reconnect with the woman who gave birth to her but instead faced rejection in the cruelest way. Instead of opening the door to her daughter, Kenya’s mother, Patricia Moore, who was allegedly home, ignored her and did not let her in. The rejection resulted in a tear-jerking moment for many who watched the drama unfold. Kenya decided to share with her fans via Instagram, the pain of being a motherless child by allowing them to glimpse 42 pages of a memoir she has penned.

In the five-chapter excerpt, Kenya takes her fans along a journey that is ridden with angst and tears. Readers get to understand the inner workings of her complex family dynamic, as well as the intricate non-existent relationship with her mother. In an Instagram message to her fans, Kenya explains about the upcoming literary work:

“I AM NOT INVISIBLE,” she wrote. “It’s hard to express how I really feel sometimes so I write. I started my memoir years ago but found it difficult to complete. As a thank you for all your love and support from my difficult and often painful journey with my family I want to share the first chapters with my loyal fans and friends. Thank you for your compassion, kindness and love.”

kenOver the course of the reality series, Kenya has discussed her childhood and how her mother, who was unmarried and 16-years-old when she gave birth to her, rejected her. Kenya, who was raised by a caring paternal grandmother, Doris Grant (pictured with a young Kenya), longed to have her own mother scoop her up from the home she was being raised in and shower her with love and affection. This never happened. Instead, she was born to a woman who wanted her to disappear, to become ‘Invisible,’ hence the working title of the memoir. Even though Kenya’s mother is ironically, a nurturer, a teacher of special needs children with thirty-five years under her belt, Kenya states in the book, “I think she resents my life, my body, my breath, with every part of her being. I believe she wishes I were dead. I believe it would make her life a whole lot easier.”

RELATED: Kenya Moore Talks Finding Closure With Her Father; Hopes It Will Help Her Find Love!

One of the most heart wrenching moments of Kenya’s journey is when she is 4-years-old and is excited about receiving a phone call from her mother. The little girl thinks her mom is going to deliver some greatly anticipated news that she is finally coming to get her baby. Kenya thought her mother was going to state, she had made a grave error by giving her baby away and wanted her daughter back home so that they could be a family. As Kenya listened to her mother’s calm and sonorous voice over the receiver, and waited to hear what she had longed for, instead, the woman at the other end stated…”I am not your mother. You can never call me your mother and you can’t come over here anymore.”

Kenya has not mentioned, if whether her memoir has stirred the interest of any publishing houses as of yet, so no pub date has been announced. The excerpt is however compelling and even if you are not a fan of Kenya’s, anyone with a heart will find themselves wiping away a tear or two as they turn each page.


(Photo credits :  Top picture is Bravo, bottom is Instagram)