Tamra Judge

Also Known As: Tamra Sue Waddle • Born: 9/2/1967

Tamra Judge, born on September 2, 1967, in Glendale, California, is a dynamic and influential personality in entertainment. Rising to fame on Bravo’s “The Real Housewives of Orange County,” she’s adored for her magnetic presence and candid demeanor. Beyond reality TV, Tamra ventures into entrepreneurship, particularly in the fitness industry, highlighting her commitment to a healthy lifestyle. An advocate for self-empowerment, she inspires others to embrace fitness and authenticity. Tamra’s journey, marked by resilience and reinvention, continues to captivate audiences, solidifying her status as a force in entertainment.

Photo by Monica Schipper/Getty Images

Promoting Healthy Lifestyle

Tamra Judge is not just a reality star; she’s a fitness enthusiast, emphasizing the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle.

Entrepreneurial Pursuits

Tamra has ventured into entrepreneurship, particularly in the fitness industry, showcasing her versatility beyond reality TV.

Resilience and Reinvention

Tamra’s journey is characterized by resilience and a commitment to reinvention, inspiring others to navigate life’s challenges with strength and authenticity.

Height: 5’5″ (165 cm)

Nationality: American

Show(s): Real Housewives of Orange County,

The Traitors

Network(s): Bravo, Peacock

Guest Appearances: Tamra’s OC Wedding

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Children: Ryan Vieth, Sidney, Spencer Barney, Sophia

Father: N/A

Mother: Sandra

Siblings: Kenny

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