Aviva Drescher Talks About Something Important For Once

Aviva Drescher Celebrates Heidi Klum On Memorial Day

All season long we have had to listen to the Real Housewives of New York City’s Aviva Drescher talk nonsense about asthma, ghostwriters and her father’s sex life. Now, finally she is talking about something important — her work with other amputees.

We have all seen it coming, Bravo has been teasing it from the beginning of the season. In next week’s season finale, Aviva — for who knows what reason — removes her prosthetic leg and hurls it across a crowded restaurant. So what better way to work up to that pivotal seen, then by showing Aviva helping one of the survivors of the Boston Marathon bombing get fitted for a new prosthetic leg. Oh, Bravo, we love your editing!

Despite being perhaps the most annoying and fame-hungry Housewife of all-time, Aviva Drescher really does great charity work with other amputees. In fact, Aviva says that is her main motivation for doing the RHONY.

“So many of you may be wondering why the heck I even stepped into this ring. I am part of a community of people who have physical limitations. I believe we all have an obligation to inspire each other to go, do, live, thrive, and encourage others. My interactions on the show with Heather Abbott or giving Jake his new legs is what the show has really been about for me. The rest has been quite simply total nonsense.”

And she really does bring a lot of attention to the cause. Despite my dark heart, I was even moved when I watched Jake get his new legs, which was done with Aviva’s help and an introduction to her prosthetist from A Step Ahead Prosthetics. Where Aviva says she finally found comfort with her own prosthetic and naturally took Boston Marathon survivor Heather Abbott.

Heather Abbott was the first Boston Marathon amputee I met on my first Boston visit. Today I am proud to call her my friend. She was not allowing terrorists nor her limb loss to hold her back not even for a minute. Naturally, I brought her to Erik, and today she wears a cosmetic high heeled comfortable limb. I am privileged to learn so much from new amputees and their plights. I feel lucky to be part of a community where character is learned through tough experiences and people are so grateful for the little things in life.”

All right, all right, Aviva. We get it! You are not as bad as we thought. You do great work for other people. You may not be as conceited as we thought…Oh, wait, I just checked your Twitter feed and found this gem.

“@jennynycgirlie: @AvivaDrescher has anyone told u that you look like kim basinger? @Leela3018″yes… Thank you! Xo”

Keep being you Aviva


[Photo Courtesy: Rob Rich/WENN.com]