Real NY Housewives’ Kelly Bensimon Goes To Court To Face Assault Charges


The Real Housewives of New York star Kelly Bensimon went to court yesterday to face assault charges for allegedly abusing her boyfriend Nick Stefanov. This charges stem from an altercation that occurred last month when Kelly was arrested for punching her 30-year-old boyfriend in the face, causing lacerations below his left eye and “substantial pain,” according to the complaint he filed with police.

Kelly told Extra after the hearing, “I’m really upset by the entire process. My beautiful girls and I are being exposed to a horrible situation. I just think it just unsettling.”

Her lawyer goes on to add, “I can’t believe the guy went to the police. It is very, very mean-spirited. It’s not like she’s in his apartment. He’s in her apartment. I don’t even know if I qualify him as lover. How about a jilted moron?”

Kelly goes on to state, “I’m devastated my girls and I have to go through something like this. They don’t need to be exposed to something like this.”

Source – Us

What did you think of the Bethenny vs. Kelly drama that occurred last night?