The Boring Bachelorette And Creepy Bachelors


Jillian Harris continues her search for true love tonight on The Bachelorette, as she continues to “date” the remaining 13 bachelors. I haven’t been blogging much about this show though I have been watching. Not sure if it has to do with the bad taste the whole Jason Mesnick/Melissa Rycroft fiasco left in my mouth, but this season hasn’t been as interesting to me.

While Jillian’s season has been a tad boring, the guys have yet to disappoint. Plus we finally get to find out tonight that one of the men actually has a girlfriend. Something about this reminds me of a VH1 dating show, so tonight’s episode should be GOOD.

And let’s not forget the very creepy bachelors casted for Jillian –


We’ll start with foot fetish enthusiast Tanner P. I mean wow – does he not see how extremely creepy he comes across? More importantly, how can Jillian not send this creeper packing? All he talks about is “sucking on some toes.” Does he even know what Jillian looks like? because he seems to solely (pun intended) focus on her feet during all their one on ones. Something tells me he is on some city’s sex offender registry.


And next we have David, who is in dire need of some form of anger management/therapy. The only thing that stands out about him is his loud mouth and multiple tattoos. He seems way more concerned with Juan than he is with Jillian. Still not sure why he made it his mission to bring down Juan.


Finally, we have 35 years old Juan, who is the most hated guy in the house. Are the guys simply jealous of him or do they have a valid reason for hating him? I’m not sure I know the answer to this, as these reality shows are able to get creative with the editing. From what I have seen, I don’t see any valid reason they have to hate him.

Recently eliminated contestant, Sasha touches on this topic in his new interview below –

On Juan, the Most Hated Man in the House: “The whole house was against him. It was like instantaneous. Everyone was on it, but David just hates the guy. He’s like, ‘He’s a snake. He’s this he’s that.’ He will bury himself. Everyone thought Juan was a spy, working for the show. He’ll kind of alienate himself, and then when he needs to be in the picture, he’ll look like he’s just one of the guys hanging out when in reality he wasn’t doing any of that.”

On David’s Anger Issues: “His dad had three heart attacks [by age] 50, so it just runs in the family. Some things just bug you. Dave just has a personal mission to almost destroy [Juan] and just make sure he doesn’t move forward in the process. Obviously, there are some anger-management issues going on.”


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