White House “Party Crashers” Want Cash For Interviews


As if it wasn’t bad enough that they crashed a white house party, both Michaele and Tareq Salahi have now contacted some networks in hopes of selling their story for hundreds of thousands of dollars, according to a television executive.

The anonymous executive reveals that the couple, cast to be on the upcoming Bravo series – The Real Housewives of Washington DC, contacted several networks to urge them to “get their bids in” for an interview. The Virginia couple is trying to cash in on their new found “fame” and are looking for a payment that is in the mid-six figures range.

In the mean time, the couple canceled their scheduled appearance on “Larry King Live” on Monday. Even though networks don’t usually pay for interviews, in the past they have offered to pay for highly sought interviews.

For now, It is unclear what the future holds for this fame hungry couple but we will definitely keep you updated. It’s sad enough that these two showed up unvited to the state dinner, to now try to cash in on their bad behavior seems pretty tacky and disgusting on many levels.