The Salahis Did Not Own Home On DC Housewives Audition Tape

Well well well, the Salahis have been caught in yet another lie. What else is new?

RadarOnline is confirming today what we all suspected while watching the Real Housewives of DC reunion, which is that the Salahis did not own the home they used for their Bravo audition tape, despite claiming they owned the home on the show.

Michaele Salahi even went as far as to claim she and her partner-in-crime Tareq Salahi sold the home, though none of their fellow castmates believed them.

According to RadarOnline, the Virginia mansion actually belongs to Stuart and Daphne Himelfarb, who were also shown dining with the Salahis in a recent episode of the show.

Though a shocked Daphne Himelfarb did not want to comment on the story to RadarOnline, the site does report that the Himelfarbs have owned the home since 2000.

In other Salahi news, the gruesome couple has now hired popular celebrity booking agent Mike Esterman, as the duo hopes to capitalize on their infamy by appearing at parties and events for a fee.

“The interest is there and whether people love or hate them, they’re still very notable,” Esterman said. Early estimates have the couple earning anywhere from $10,000-$15,000 per event.