Kelly Bensimon: My Kids Don’t Think I’m Cool, Jill Zarin Fights Against Bullying

Two of the Real Housewives of New York City jackasses stars are making headlines this week.

First up is Kelly Bensimon, who reveals to PEOPLE magazine in a new interview that her kids are extremely embarrassed by her don’t think she is cool.

“They think I’m their mom,” she said of her daughters, Sea Louis, 12, and Thaddeus Ann, 10. “Because I’m their mom I’m not really cool, but their friends like me, so I guess my cool factor is like a two on a [scale of] one to ten – better than a zero.”

It doesn’t end there as Kelly also admits her kids have told her to “tone it down” in the past. “They tell me to wait outside the school and not come in and not to embarrass them,” Kelly, 42, told PEOPLE. “I’m like, I’m not even saying anything.”

The jokes simply write themselves. Moving on to NYC Housewife #2 aka Jill Zarin. The HollywoodLife is reporting that Jill has decided to take on a plight that she is all too familiar with, you know, considering her BFF Kelly accused her housewives co-stars of bullying her and even made a youtube PSA video to further prove her insanity point.

Jill reportedly hosted a luncheon and fashion show this week to raise funds and support various anti-bullying projects. “No one should be bullied for any reason, and no one should ever have to be afraid or intimidated in the classroom or in their life because of their sexual orientation or gender identity,” says Jill to the HollywoodLife.

Nice to see Jill getting herself a hobby. Jill’s co-stars Kelly, LuAnn, Alex and Ramona were in attendance at her event. A picture of Kelly with her kids below –