Following 16 episodes, the third season of the Real Housewives of Atlanta ended last night with a wedding that took place despite all the odds and opposition from many. In life, there are times of uncertainty and a little thing called a red flag. And when it comes to a wedding, arguably the biggest commitment one will make in their lifetime, it’s usually not a good idea to go through with it when certain red flags pop up, such as –
- When multiple people ask, “Are you sure?” and let you know that you can still run on your wedding day.
- When your 11-year-old daughter is the only one in support of your “union.”
- When you can’t stop drinking before your wedding ceremony.
- When your mother and sister try to sabotage your wedding by hiding your marriage license.
- Or when you and your sister have a breakdown, shedding none tears of joy on your wedding day.
If you find just one of the above to be the case, canceling or postponing your wedding is likely the best way to go. And if you find yourself in a peculiar situation in which all 5 of the above apply to you, Reality Tea strongly advises wiping off your make up, taking off your heels, and running for the hills, without ever looking back. Non refundable wedding deposits be darned!
The super duper sized finale episode begins with the transformation of Sheree‘s hairstylist Lawrence to Miss Lawrence! We find out all the housewives, with the exception of Cynthia, are gathering together to watch Lawrence perform. As I wonder why this event was never mentioned on any of the previous episodes, it dawns on me this was likely a last minute event put together by Bravo to bring all the ladies together for the season ending party, just in case Cynthia’s wedding did not happen.
The ladies arrive including Nene, who might or might not be believing her own hype at this point in time. Following the Miami trip, Nene and Kim are still not talking. RuPaul Miss Lawrence finally takes the stage and gives a good performance. In her interview, the drama queen Nene just can’t help but take some shots at Kim, stating Lawrence is a way better performer. And the biggest hater award goes to… Neneeeee!
Back at home with Cynthia, we see her moving ahead with her wedding planning with the help of her sister Malorie and her mom Barbara. Cynthia reveals it’s two days before the wedding and she has to figure out how to pull it off “with barely a dollar to our name.” And she is not kidding folks as she considers doing a cash bar because she cannot afford the $3,000 minimum requirement for the drinks. Cynthia admits she is broke as all her money went into the Uptown restaurant. I’m guessing the reported prenup she had Peter sign is to protect her future earnings.
I’m also a bit confused at this point as Peter revealed in an interview that came out last week that Cynthia only invested $10,000 into Uptown. So is 10gs all of Cynthia’s money? Plus it just seems very unwise that anyone would invest all of their money into anything during a bad economy. Something is not adding up. Anyhoo, Malorie, who I suspected weeks ago of being against this wedding, is a bit hesitant about the whole thing. And though Malorie attempts to use finances as her reason for being against the wedding, I suspect it’s way more than that.
It has now been close to eight weeks since she had baby Ayden and Phaedra is getting ready to head back to work with her multi colored nails. Not much of a surprise coming from an “entertainment” attorney who specializes in strippers. Though we do get to see a much softer side of Phaedra as she gets very emotional and tears up at the thought of leaving Ayden for work. Very nice to see this sweeter side of her.
Kim and Kandi meet up as Kandi,who has spent months and pretty much every single episode making sly comments about Kim and whining about not getting properly paid for her work on TFTP, wants to discuss the money aspect of the new song, ‘The Ring Didn’t Mean A Thing.’ Kandi is ready to handle “business” for the new song as I wonder why the “business” aspect wasn’t handled before the track was recorded and performed on a tour. Kim feels she deserves to make more money off the song than the producer, but as I’ve stated numerous times, the people who write the songs make the most money off the tracks. Perhaps Kim needs to do her research. Kandi decides it’s better for her manager and Kim’s attorney to deal with the money aspect of things as to keep their friendship in tact.
For some reason Sheree is still continuing to stick with her new acting passion, as she decides to audition for her first movie role. Sheree feels intimidated upon stepping into the room to audition in front of a panel. As Sheree is auditioning, the panel continues to interrupt her to make some corrections, which is the norm. What is not the norm are the antics of actress Terri Vaughn, who seems to go way overboard in her critic of Sheree, almost to the point of getting angry. Sheree is certain she will not get the part based on the feedback though we later discover she got the role. And yes, I’m scratching my head on that one as well.
As luck would have it, the 90 days Nene gave her son Bryson to get his life together is finally over and just happens to fall on the last episode of the season. Funny how that works. In her interview, Nene once again takes a shot at Kim stating that unlike Kim, she isn’t trying to be friends with her kids. Though unlike Nene, none of Kim’s kids have yet to be arrested. We find out nothing has changed for Bryson other than a haircut, Nene attempts to give him some tough love, blah blah blah… Fast forward to today and nothing much as changed except Bryson is now expecting a baby with his girlfriend.
Moving right along. It is now the day of the wedding as well as the return of Cynthia‘s wedding planner Kithe Brewster and his extremely lazy drawl. “It’s your wedding daaaaaaaaay,” says Kithe to Cynthia as I can only hope this wasn’t his attempt at being enthusiastic. Kithe teases Cynthia about all the drinking she’s been doing lately and lets her know it’s not too late to run. Cynthia appears very stressed and her sister Malorie‘s first response is to ask her, “Are you sure you want to do this?” Cynthia gets a bit defensive as Malorie expresses to Cynthia that she looks more sad than stressed. Malorie once again blames the money issues on her reason for being against the wedding and once again, I suspect there might be other reasons.
Malorie begins to cry, which causes Cynthia to exit the room, perhaps not wanting to cry in front of her sister. Cynthia reveals she doesn’t recall ever seeing her sister break down in tears, a bit sad the first time had to be on her wedding day. Cynthia decides to head to a park near her house as those crafty folks at Bravo proceed to zoom in on a STOP sign. Cynthia’s mom Barbara shows up and also bursts into tears. Echoing Malorie, Barbara reveals she doesn’t have a good feeling about the wedding. Barbara then goes on to use an interesting choice of words when she states Peter “financially abuses” Cynthia. Barbara urges her daughter to be strong and not make excuses for Peter.
Cynthia replies “okay” and as the two ladies get up to walk away, Bravo pans to the writing on Cynthia’s shirt. The words? “You Big Dummy.” I think my jaw dropped when I saw this yesterday. Great irony.
Next, following her heart to heart with Bryson, it’s now time for Nene and Gregg to have a talk. Gregg apologizes, Nene’s tired of hearing it, blah blah blah… Fast forward to today, 6 months after this was taped, and the two are still living together and are still “divorcing” though those divorce papers Nene claims to have filed have yet to be found or reported anywhere.
Back to Cynthia on her big day, as more problems occur. Malorie reveals there are no weddings bands, something Cynthia states was on Peter’s to do list. Cynthia then proceeds to have a heart to heart with her 11-year-old daughter Noelle. “You are the love of my life and no one could ever replace you,” says Cynthia to Noelle, who reveals she is excited about the union. “Noelle, she’s the only one that actually supports me getting married to Peter,” states Cynthia in her interview. Not a good sign Cynthia. Not a good sign at all.
We see Kim laying at home and she calls out for Sweetie using a microphone, in what I can only hope is an attempt at a joke. Kim is waiting for new beau Kroy to show up so they can head to a wedding she apparently doesn’t even want to go to. Kim reveals she got her boobs redone and is still recovering. In fact, Kim did a story with Life & Style magazine last year during which she revealed her reason for going under the knife again. “My boobs looked crazy and saggy,” said Kim. You can read that story and see before & after photos here. As Kim gets up, Sweetie, who is likely still a tad peeved at being called a slave, feels Nene‘s boob job doesn’t look as good as Kim’s. “Nene looks a f*cking mess but you get what you pay for,” says Kim. I think the best thing about the Atlanta Housewives is how much these ladies slam each other. They are brutal. Kroy arrives, Kim’s youngest daughter already loves him, and they leave for the wedding.
Peter arrives for his wedding, and he is apparently late as well as smashed. Things go from bad to worse when Cynthia discovers her marriage license is missing, and she cannot get married without it. Malorie volunteers to go help find it. Outside of the dressing room, and seemingly straight out of a novela, Malorie and mom Barbara contemplate hiding the marriage certificate from Cynthia, as Barbara even does the obligatory staring away from the camera pause. Except this isn’t a soap opera, but real life and a rather sad wedding day. Ultimately the ladies decide against it, and the wedding goes on.
Kim arrives to the wedding with Kroy and she reveals she brought her own wine because with Cynthia’s money troubles, she wouldn’t be able to afford the good stuff. Wowzers. Very tacky, funny, and cruel. Kroy must really be proud of his classy lady. The other ladies arrive and Sheree feels Kroy is a big improvement from Big Poppa. “He’s tall, he’s not married, and he can go in public with Kim,” hilariously states Sheree. And once again Kim and Nene do not acknowledge one another.
Phaedra arrives with her hot husband, and she’s proud to show her post baby figure & lactating breasts. Malorie informs Cynthia the marriage certificate has been found and Cynthia appears very happy, arguably the first time she has seemed happy the entire episode. Outside the dressing room, Malorie breaks down once again as I try to decide which episode is more depressing? Last week’s vacation episode? Or this wedding episode? I’ll go with the later.
“This wedding is very lavish. Some people in Atlanta love to front and flex like they have money when they’re really in foreclosure and bankruptcy. So it really doesn’t surprise me that Cynthia was able to pull off this million dollar wedding with 50 cents,” says Phaedra. Ouch. That truth had to hurt. “The wedding was nice but you can definitely see where they cut corners,” says Sheree. Oddly enough, Nene actually has some nice words to say about Cynthia and the wedding. Me thinks the mad hater finally realizes pushover Cynthia is her only friend left on the show.
As the guests are seated, Peter walks down the aisle and everyone eagerly awaits Cynthia‘s arrival. The suspense continues to build while Bravo probably advised Cynthia to wait a few extra minutes in the dressing room, you know, to add to the suspense, since she is a known runaway bride and all.
Following a commercial break, Cynthia finally makes her way down the aisle. “When I actually walked out and saw Peter, that was when I knew for the first time that whole day that I was doing the right thing. I was really following my heart and doing what I wanted to do,” says Cynthia. All jokes apart, here’s to hoping she is right. Peter lets out a “Wow,” while Kim and Nene feel Cynthia looks very beautiful in her wedding dress.
The wedding commences, and the bride and groom read their vows to each other. While the words were beautiful, it was just a bit hard to get into the whole romantic aspect of this wedding knowing all that had taken place just moments before. It is now time for the reception as Kithe, who might or might not have been day dreaming of his own wedding day, proceeds to introduce Mr. and Mr. Peter Anthony Thomas. Dwight decides to approach Nene to make peace, and the two make up and dance the night away as season 3 of the RHOA officially ends.
The updates reveal Nene is hoping to move to LA to become a bigger famewhore or was it to get her happy back? I don’t recall. Kim’s new song was never released due to money issues though Kandi revealed a week ago that she and Kim are now working together again to get the song released. Phaedra is planning a Southern baptism for poor baby Ayden with the help of Dwrong. Sheree got the part in the film and is now learning how to use Google before a date. Kim and Nene haven’t spoken in 6 months, you know, with the exception of the renion, and she is expecting a baby in June with her dummy boyfriend Kroy. Cynthia is still happily married to Peter for the moment, and the two are no longer mixing money with pleasure.
Watch What Happens Live – Andy Cohen threw a live baby shower for Kim and her dummy boyfriend, 25-year-old NFL superstar Kroy Beirmann. Andy tried many times to get Kroy to diss Nene, though he didn’t take the bait and simply stated he doesn’t know Nene. Kroy seemed a bit camera shy as he revealed he has never met Big Poppa and that Kim looks like an angel without her wig on. Awww, he really is whipped. Kim refused to reveal the sex of her baby though she might have let it slip when she stated she wouldn’t mind naming the baby Kroy. Plus a report from Star magazine claimed she was expecting a boy last year. Kim and Kroy seemed cute and happy together for the most part. As for Nene, she spent most of the night trashing Kim on twitter, even stating that this baby would make the third for Kim by the third man. Yikes. The show had a poll asking who the viewers’ favorite housewife was for the season, and the results are below –
- Kandi – 31%
- Kim – 23%
- Nene – 22%
- Phaedra – 13%
- Cynthia – 6%
- Sheree – 5%
[poll id=”29″]