It must be time for salary negotiations because rumors are popping up that Teen Mom 2 stars/train wrecks Leah Messer and Jenelle Evans are threatening to leave the show that made them thousandaires.
While, Jenelle no doubt needs the extra cash for her legal fees and tattoo habit, a source tells Reality Weekly that Leah has developed quite an ego since becoming “famous” and hilariously says that “She really has gotten a big head because of all the attention. A lot of people in Elk View joke that she’s like the redneck Kim Kardashian.” Does that mean fiancé Jeremy Calvert is her Kris Humphries? Will they get married for 72 hours?
To be fair, Leah has had a very difficult year; she had a miscarriage and was assaulted by a group of women. She feels she’s given a lot to the show, and the show owes her for her pain and suffering, including her divorce to Corey Simms. “Leah says she’s fed up with the interference in her life, and she can’t take any more.”
Jeremy still hasn’t appeared on the show, and it’s easy to see why. The source says, “It’s no wonder she’s cautious. She’s already been through more stress in a year then some people face in a lifetime.”
As for Jenelle, she gets brownie points for having her manager (yes, she has one) go on the record, with his actual name, to advocate for her raise. Her manager, Leo Daniels, says it’s time for more money: ”She needs to renegotiate because she’s not getting anything near what the other girls are getting, and she’s the highest rated Teen Mom.”
She’s the highest rated because no one can turn away. Like many cocky reality stars before her, Jenelle feels she has the upper hand in this negotiation. Some unnamed insider is quoted saying, “She feels certain that she deserves a raise, but there are plenty of other options out there. She will quit the show if she doesn’t get that extra money.”
Beware this strategy, ladies! The network will call your bluff and fire you. Just ask a few housewives how well this works. There are many other teen moms waiting in the wings and happy to replace you. I say keep that MTV salary. It’s more than most normal folks will ever see.