BBW’s Jennifer Williams Calls Bday Drama “Immature,” Evelyn Lozada Calls Her “Transparent” And Warns Royce Reed “To Be Real Careful”

It’s been the battle of the Basketball Wives blogs after the latest episode, with the duo formerly known Jenevelyn (or Evennifer, if you prefer) duking it out via their personal blogs about birthday toasts, food stamps, and Evelyn swatting Jen in the head with her clutch. No biggie.

Jennifer Williams discusses why she seems different this season, defends her toast to Shaunie O’Neal by blaming the ever blamable “editing,” and vows to rise above the drama. Good luck with that! She writes, “Where do I start? Let’s just say the drinks were flowing and that is normally when things go left. First off, my speech was not about myself it was about how I thought Shaunie was a good example for me to look at because I feel she made the best out of a negative situation and she is now happy. But again, the beauty of editing!”

“As you have watched me for three seasons now, I am never the loudest one in the room, I do not try to be nor do I want the focus on me,” Jen explains. “Overall, I think what happened at Phillipes was immature and unfortunate. Sadly, sometimes when the red light on the camera comes on you never what you are going to get. I call it the Red Light Special! ‘You ain’t about this life.’ Hmmm, what life is that? The life I am about is trying to be happy and making strides to be an independent woman. Overall, I hope Shaunie enjoyed her birthday despite the drama!”

Next, Jen addresses her cast members accusations that she’s a different person. “’Jennifer has changed.’ Now all of a sudden if I’m out in NYC with my friends outside of the show it’s a problem? It is refreshing to not have to talk about the drama of Basketball Wives all the time. And we all have friends outside of the show. I have always split my time between Miami and NYC so its obvious I am going to have friends here,” she states.

Jen concludes, “I am single and why not enjoy myself? It’s so easy to point the finger and say what someone else has done but try pointing it at yourself and see what happens. We all have flaws and make mistakes. All I can say is I am happy with the direction my life has gone and the family and friends who now play a role in my life, I am not going to let the pettiness upset me.”

Evelyn Lozada also dishes on the episode in her blog, revealing why the women seemed rude laughing at Kenya Bell’s speech, Suzie Ketcham’s “food stamps” comment, and her drama with Jen. Of course, she blames her behavior on the second oldest reality show excuse–wait for it–the a-a-a-a-al-alcohol! She begins, “The reason why we were laughing during Kenya’s speech is because that was only our third time filming with her so for her to even feel like she wanted to give a speech, shocked the sh*t out of us. We didn’t know Kenya from a can of paint and it was all very strange.”

Surprisingly, Evelyn cuts Suzie some slack about her food stamps faux pas, writing, “Oh Suzie…that alcohol is a BEAST. You know, I grew up on welfare; I had my daughter on welfare and on WIC. No one wants to be reminded of those hardships during a birthday dinner in front of everyone. However, if Suzie were sober, she would have NEVER said that.”

“Listen, I am going to be all the way real!” Evelyn continues, “We were all having a cool time and I was buzzed prior to the second toast to Shaunie, so I know how Suzie must have felt because had I been sober, I would have never given that second speech. I’m glad I made that comment about loyalty though because being a ‘loyal friend’ is important to me and Shaunie has been a loyal friend that has NEVER changed.”

Evelyn explains, “What makes me so angry is that Jen really doesn’t get it and she keeps telling people she doesn’t understand why I’m so angry. AGAIN, when you are supposed to be a LOYAL friend, you just don’t go popping off at the mouth on the radio or turn to a blog to talk crap about your friend and her man. Jen isn’t the type of person to sincerely apologize and this is where a portion of my anger lies.”

“Jen’s thought process really is that transparent!” exclaims Evelyn. “Because she’s a college graduate and grew up a certain [way] she thinks she’s better than everyone else. My thing is, even if that was my situation, I would never talk down to anyone else or ever talk about someone’s livelihood or how much money they have in the bank during an argument. I don’t care about any of those things and would never attack where someone came from.” Doesn’t care about any of those things? Could have fooled me!

Evelyn sums it up, revealing, “There is so much going on behind the scenes that you guys don’t see. It may look like I’m getting angry for no reason but there is so much more to the story and I can’t WAIT for you all to see the real deal. As the show progresses I promise you ALL will have an A-HA moment and be truly AMAZED.”

There was one juicy little nugget from Evelyn’s blog that wasn’t about that horrendous dinner. It appears to be a bit of a threat to cast mate Royce Reed. She writes, “Who the hell does Royce think she is, Dr. F’N Phil, with all of her opinions. Tami [Roman] has been nothing but loyal to Royce and in my opinion is the only reason Royce is still even relevant. I’m just saying. She needs to be real careful with that.” First of all, all this “I’m just saying” BS needs to go away. Who does Evelyn think she is, Danielle Staub? Second, does that sound like a threat to y’all?

Speaking of Evelyn, she’s got some new t-shirts to hawk, so get out your checkbooks! The newest spring break tank top is all about “You Ain’t About This Life!” You really have to admire a woman who can run her mouth in a fit of rage and then turn around to make a t-shirt out of whatever she screamed out during a fight. You can purchase them See pictures below.