Kim Kardashian’s Charlotte Appearance is a Bust; Kendall and Kylie Jenner Drop Out of High School

Awkward!  Oh how the mighty famewhores have fallen.  I bet even if there wasn't a picture and title with this post, you'd automatically know which family I was talking about, right?  Those krazy Kardashians are always in the news, and the most hilarious part is that these days, it never seems to be positive news.  But do they care?  Of course not!

In today's Kardashian news, Kim doesn't feel the love in the Queen City, but she does feel it from the Queen B.  Plus, Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner decide that high school is just too much for their uber busy schedule.  It's hard being a teen, y'all!


Radar Online is reporting that Kim was tapped for an event in Charlotte that coincided with the final night of the Democratic National Convention.  It also happened to be the night of the VMAs, so maybe everyone was at home waiting for Taylor Swift to perform.  That is the only explanation for LESS THAN FIFTY PEOPLE showing up to see Kim and entourage at Charlotte bar Club Hush.  Stop. It.  While her brethren were on the West Coast watching an action packed awards show, Kimmie was tweeting a picture of a half empty drink glass, captioned, "It's that kinda night." 

Kim also wasn't super happy when the club's house band noted that the place was empty.  Yikes.  There is some good news though.  Apparently, Beyonce does, in fact, like Kim.  All is right with the world again!  TMZ shares the wonderful news saying that despite reports that Kim embarrassed the daylights out of Bey at Jay-Z's Made in America music festival, that is far from the truth.  Rumors swirled that Beyonce thought Kim was trying to steal the spotlight from Jay-Z at the event, and she was mortified when the reality star approached Ron Howard about the possibility of starring in his next movie.  Oh gracious!

Thankfully, all of those rumors were just that…rumors.  Sources at the concert said the women looked like total besties at the concert, telling the site, "They love each other — they talk fashion, family, Beyonce's baby all the time."

The same insider also reveals that Kim never spoke to Ron Howard.  Ron Howard was beyond excited!

Finally, because it's time for a younger generation of Kris Jenner's minions to get more publicity, Kylie and Kendall have officially quit high school to work on their brands.  When I was sixteen, my "brand" was not getting my cheerleading skirt stuck in my bloomers and trying to smile without showing my braces.  So, I can relate.  Starcasm reports that the girls are going to be home schooled while they focus on other ventures.  It's a far cry from what the girls told Celebuzz last year:

Kylie: If we didn’t go to school it would be hard, but school brings us back.

Kendall: And we love going to school! We really do. We love being able to have that aspect still in our lives. It’s like being Hannah Montana and living two lives! We love it, and we love being able to have our friends. It is a little weird sometimes, especially when they come up to us, like our friends at school don’t expect us to be like that.

Kylie recently admitted on an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians that school gave her panic attacks, so maybe this is a better option.  I am biting my tongue on this one!


[Photo Credit: Ivan Nikolov/JLN Photography/