What happens when you take a show centered around a cooking club in Miami and splice and edit it into a housewives show? You get a boring season with a confusing dinner party in each episode. However, what happens when you revamp that season, let the ladies know to bring the drama, and replace some Basketball Wives with a supermodel and some successful surgically enhanced professionals? Amazingness…that's what. The only constant is Mama Elsa.
Real Housewives of Miami has certainly found its footing as a legitimate member of the Bravo franchise. These women (and their ginormous boobs!) certainly know how to bring the drama. Case in point? Joanna Krupa had a meltdown of epic proportions on the most recent episode, ruining the 10th anniversary party for her fiance's nightclub…all thanks to a cheating DJ. Now that's what I'm talking about, ladies!
The screaming supermodel took to her Bravo blog to explain her actions. It's refreshing to see her own up to her cray-havior! Joanna writes, "When I look back at the night of the Mynt’s 10-year anniversary, I am definitely not happy about the way I acted— especially letting the alcohol take over, instead of controlling myself. I was hurt by my sister when she said I never defend her to Romain, and that made me extra sensitive that evening, especially after drinking a lot of alcohol at Lisa’s beforehand…"
Continuing, Joanna admits, "I guess I wanted to show Marta that I do love her more than anything, and that she is so important to me, and that I will do whatever it takes to defend her. However, I went a little overboard, and had a major meltdown and tantrum attack, haha!"
Joanna also takes the opportunity to call out her cast mate Adriana de Moura for flirting incessantly with Romain. I have to admit, it was totally inappropriate, and Romain seemed to handle himself well as Adriana tried to get in his pants. She explains, "I feel bad for her fiancé, because why is she flirting with mine? She wasn't even wasted, so if I had to choose, I’d rather have a meltdown because I had too much to drink (while protecting my sister) than be sober and hit on other men and disrespect my fiancé because I am just so desperate for attention. Hopefully her man wakes up one day and realizes that she is just a big flirt. He should have more respect for himself." Mee and yow!
Speaking to Celebuzz, Joanna discusses why she chose to be on such a drama-filled series. The model hopes that her fans will see that her life isn't as glamorous as it appears. She tells the site, “I wanted to do a reality show to show people my life. People say, ‘Oh, you’re so lucky,’ but I wanted to show them that it’s not just all glamour that comes with the job. Yes, I’m very blessed to be doing what I’ve always dreamt of doing, but there’s other things involved. My fiance and I go through a lot of roller coasters this season.”
She adds, “A lot of models I know, they thought that just because they’re beautiful, the world should revolve around them. They only rely on their beauty, but you need more in life. You need to move from just being a model to being a successful business person. That’s what I’m trying to show on the show.” Well, that, and how to meltdown completely while still looking gorgeous, right?
[Photo Credit: Twitter]