BBW’s Evelyn Lozada Accuses Ex-Husband Chad Johnson of Twitter Stalking

Hey guys!  Guess what!?!  We haven't heard anything from Basketball Wives' Evelyn Lozada for a few hours days.  Did you miss her?  I feel you.  Fear not though, as she's back with some new accusations against ex-husband Chad Johnson Ochocinco Johnson (soon to be Ochocinco again?). 

Please know that I don't take any allegations of domestic abuse lightly.  It's serious and scary stuff, and no one deserves it, even if they've thrown plates and wine bottles at their co-stars.  NO ONE should be in that position (including the co-star who was the target of the bottle!).  I'm coming from a place of personal knowledge, so I do know that sometimes (not always) it takes two people to fight.  However, when one party gets physical, all bets are off and it's not pretty.  Plus, no matter what kind of crap one party can spew, words will never beat fists…which is why the fact that paper beats rock still baffles me to this day!  🙂

That said, whatever opinions I had of Evelyn (and, as you can imagine, they weren't pleasant) before the domestic abuse claims were thrown out the window once Chad admitted to wrongdoing.  Both of them need help.  However, it seems that instead of working on themselves, they both choose to let their drama play out on Twitter.  Because that's okay.  I have so much to say, but I'll refrain because I don't want to appear to be apathetic.  They both need to hermit and keep their business out of the media.  I hope that statement was PC enough!


Evelyn is now claiming that Chad is stalking her on Twitter.  If this is true, part of me wants to say, well get off Twitter then!  The more rational side of me (there is one, I promise!) doesn't think she needs to sacrifice social media to hide from her ex.  Granted, if I hadn't seen Evelyn's antics towards other women on her show, I would be more adamant about my rational comment.  Regardless of the abuse accusations, I think Ev needs to go away for awhile and regroup. 

But she's not…who is shocked?  The reality star recently tweeted a picture of herself with darker hair.  Sidebar, I will never understand anyone's desire to share such asinine revelations with strangers via the Internet.  Anyhoo, Evelyn tweeted her darker locks, and a fan retweeted her picture to Chad.  Again, why put yourself in that situation?  But again, why should you have to censor yourself?  Gahh!  I am so torn!

Okay, so a fan of Chad's (who clearly follows Evelyn) tweeted the former NFL star, asking, “Ochocinco how u like Evelyn new hair color?”  I am assuming the fan hashtagged Evelyn because she was alerted to the tweet.  Let's be honest, if she wasn't, then she learned of the tweet by checking out Chad's page, right?

The BBW star responded to the tweet to Chad, writing, “I know he saw it #TweetStalkin.”  Now there's a hashtag!

I leave this post just as confused as I was when I started writing it.  Violence is never the answer, but I believe both of these people are violent…maybe not because they want to be, but it's how they are wired.  I also know that toxic relationships such as this don't dissipate quickly…the armchair therapist in me isn't shocked to find out they are still checking out each other's Twitter profiles.  I mean, if they wanted to block the other, they totally could.  Yet they don't.  It's just a giant cluster of enabling and love of drama.  They are like the reality version of Chris Brown and Rihanna.  Before you get on me, please know that I'm not being snarky.  I'm being honest, and it's sad to watch. 


[Photo Credit: Twitter]