Real Housewives Blind Gossip!


Now this is the least who-done-it reality TV blind I've ever read, but it seemingly sheds a lot more light on some drama happening on the show it pertains to. The drama is between one new Housewife who recently spilled a super-duper secret on the show and one veteran Housewife!

So behold some Blind Gossip about a certain Real Housewives show! 

"This Television Personality likes to provide details of her pregnancy and birth so that she can seem like a good mom.

Only it’s all a lie. The Liar publicly claims to have carried her children and to have given birth to them herself. The truth is that she used her money to hire a surrogate (for more than one child) so she wouldn’t 'ruin her body' and she could have babies 'whenever she wanted.' Yes, she is that rich and that superficial. No medical issues. Just vanity.

Well, someone on her television show has called her on her lie. The price for spilling the beans? A lawsuit. This woman is rich and vengeful and she won’t hesitate to use her money to squelch the truth so that she can maintain her image… and hurt The Spiller.


The only problem is that in filing a suit… she [The Liar] has to reveal her secret. Then the world will know. And her kid/s will know.

That’s the second secret. Her children don’t know that they are the product of surrogacy! That’s because The Liar shows them photos of her with a pillow under her shirt and tells them that the photo was taken when Mommy was pregnant with them. Did she really think she could get away with that one forever?

There’s also a third secret The Liar has been keeping. It’s about who she has been sleeping with for the couple of years. It’s not her husband. It’s someone who is well-known to people in her area. And he would not appreciate being outed as the third party in her marriage.

So, The Liar would be well-advised to back off at this point. The Spiller – and others – do not respond well to threats. And they have lots more to spill."

So you guess: The Liar and The Spiller. Warning: this is a toughy. 😉

The big question is who is The Liar sleeping with?? "The others" clearly refers to Bravo and the production company whom The Liar is also allegedly suing for trying to out her little secret!

This would also explain why The Spiller is being blamed by some for outing a secret which was responsible for breaking up The Liar's marriage! 

[Photo Credit: Bravo]


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