Mob Wives Recap: What’s Black And White And Read All Over?

Drita dream mob wives

The ladies of Mob Wives are back on Staten Island, and Drita D'avanzo calls Big Ang to share a her recent disturbing dreams about people breaking into her home and she shoots them repeatedly. She's hoping it's not a premonition, and she's scared that there is actual meaning behind them. Drita believes she can foresee the future through her dreams. She even dreamt that Lee's best friend ratted him out before he actually did. Ang tries to placate her friend to no avail. At Alicia diMichele Garafalo's house, her brother stops in for a visit. She appreciates his support now that her husband's sentencing has been postponed. He hopes that when his sister gets sentenced she'll be under house arrest. He wonders if she's considered what would happen if she actually gets sent to jail. She wants to avoid the subject at all costs. 

Natalie Guercio heads to Ang's to rehash her Vegas fight with Renee Graziano. Drita pops in to be part of the conversation. Natalie apologizes to them for being thrown in the middle of the craziness. She shares how Renee "apologized" to her while basically calling her trash. No respect! Drita and Ang are appalled. Natalie doesn't believe Renee's mea culpa was sincere, and Drita warns her that Renee can't get over things. It's not Natalie, it's Renee. Drita questions whether Natalie can be civil around Renee. Natalie believes she can as long as Renee stays in line. 


Ang is having a family dinner with son A.J., his girlfriend, husband Neil, and some stray houseflies. Big Ang can't wait to be a grandmother now that A.J.'s girlfriend is expecting. However, Ang can't believe how times have changed. When she was pregnant, she bartended until she was nine months pregnant, yet Gabby can't be bothered to do anything but sleep. Neil and Ang decided to drop the bombshell that Ang is trying to get pregnant as well. Well if that's not a spin-off, I don't know what is!

ang neil mob wives

Renee is playing darts with her son A.J., and she fills him in on the insanity that occurred in Vegas. A.J. urges his mother to move on and drop it. He thinks that his mom is acting like a five-year-old. Poor A.J. He has to be the parent with his mother. Renee cares too much about what others think in his opinion. A.J. makes a good therapist. The following day, Drita and Ang meet for lunch, and Ang drops a bombshell. She has a tabloid with a picture of Drita and Alicia partying in Vegas which claims Alicia got permission from the judge to leave town to visit her son at college. Remember that? Drita and Ang aren't concerned about Alicia's lie, they are more consumed with who ratted out their friend. That's a normal reaction, don't you think? 

In Philadelphia, Alicia shows the same paper to Natalie. She swears it's all a lie. The paper is making huge allegations. Alicia did ask permission to leave town…to go to Vegas. She says she even gave the judge the ladies' itinerary, and she hopes this story won't affect her sentencing. She can't believe someone is being so facetious and stalking her Instagram to make up stories about her. Um, I'm not sure she knows the definition of "facetious," but what can you do? Who is the rat?

Drita's youngest daughter has grown up a lot, and she's so excited to have her father home. She's adorable, so Drita thinks she should be a child model–she'll love it! When Drita tells her five-year-old that she'd get paid to have her picture taken, but her little girl tells her that she's already got money in her piggy bank. I have to admit, the girl is beautiful, and the stash in her piggy bank rivals my checking account. Who am I kidding? The child has far more money than I do! 

mob wives alicia article

Meeting with her attorney, Alicia shares the article. While he agrees that she did everything correctly, it looks really bad that she's about to be sentenced yet she's in Vegas partying with her friends. Her lawyer thinks that the paper makes Alicia appear that she doesn't care about what she's facing. The judge may not take kindly to her behavior. He warns her to stay off social media…how about reality television while she's at it? Back at the Drunken Monkey, Ang finds another article about Alicia which claims she's lying about her income. She calls her friend to see how she's doing. The women can't believe that someone is trying to sabotage her. Ang is worried for the rat…Alicia's husband won't be in jail forever and no one should want to be on his bad side.

At Renee's house, she tells Drita that she's sorry for putting her in such an awkward spot in Vegas. Ang calls and the women conference about the latest article about Alicia. Renee thinks it's ridiculous that anyone could think that Alicia is hiding money. The women are shocked to hear that the judge has called in Alicia before her sentencing date. Is this what Drita's dream could have meant? The following day, Alicia arrives at Drita's house to continue talking about these flippin' articles. She isn't a wild child Mafioso. She's a homebody for goodness sake! Alicia thinks she knows who the rat is, but she hopes she's wrong. Drita offers to beat up this mystery rat for her pal. Now that's true friendship. 

Drita-Reaction-mob wives

Over dinner, Ang, Renee, and Drita can't let go of the subject. They have all been victims of rats in the past, and it's not fun. Ang reminds her friends that women's prisons are not a fun place to go. Alicia is a nice woman from a good family in mom jeans who spends her days baking and feeding the homeless…she doesn't deserve this. Drita and Ang are convinced that Alicia had no clue what she was doing when she was fixing the books. Her criminal husband put her in a bad situation. Renee thinks that Alicia's main mistake was pretending she knew what was going on with her husband's business. 

The ladies head to Alicia's house to show their support. Alicia explains to the women that she could be sentenced to up to five years for this debacle. It's so unfair to Renee that Alicia is being punished just for trusting her husband. The more Alicia talks, the more clear it is that she is pointedly talking about the rat and looking at Renee. She thinks the newspapers are getting the information from someone in her inner circle. Drita can't believe her ears. Ang would never snitch. None of Alicia's Philly friends would ever throw her under the bus. When Drita brings up Renee knowing statements from the wiretap, Alicia loses it. How the hell did Renee hear the wiretap? Renee didn't listen to the tapes, but she refuses to divulge who she knows has heard them. Renee warns Alicia that she is about to cross a line she doesn't want to cross. Good gracious.


[Photo Credit: VH1]

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