Um, what? I know you all were probably too sidetracked by dancing sharks, buck-teethed beach balls, and that horrific Nationwide commercial to miss Kody Brown’s hair, but I didn’t want your Monday to be totally void of all things Sister Wives.
I don’t know who is sure to be crying over today’s news. We all know Meri gets pretty teary from time to time, and y’all don’t call that last wife “Sobbin’ Robyn” for nothing. However, if Robyn is crying, hers are tears of joy as she’s finally gotten everything she wanted. If this gossip is true, Robyn is officially Mrs. Brown…and not just because she had her name legally changed!
Starcasm is reporting that last fall Kody and his only legal wife Meri filed for divorce only to make an honest woman out of his fourth wife a few short months later. The site has obtained a copy of Kody and Meri’s divorce filing where the couple jointly petitioned to end their marriage. The divorce was finalized on September 25, 2014.
Now, don’t go feeling sorry for Meri (she’s got her wet bar, after all!), as I’m sure there were several logical reasons behind the divorce and Kody’s decision to remarry his fourth wife right away, the main one being that it’s no secret Robyn is by far his favorite. 😉 Now that Meri’s an empty-nester and Mariah is off at college, Kody could have legally married Robyn to procure better insurance for her three children from a previous marriage. This, of course, makes no sense to me because it’s not like Kody has a job which could potentially provide better benefits, but I’ll throw it out there for the sake of argument.
Also, Robyn has often complained about her first husband, David Jessop, and how he stole her purity pre-marriage. Maybe her ex is trying to enforce the “no cohabitation” clause in their divorce settlement in order to get out of paying some alimony. This is to say they had a “no cohabitation” clause and he is paying her alimony, neither of which I know to be true. I am purely speculating here, people!
In fact, there is only one thing I do know for certain…these ladies are more brain washed than I’d previously believed. Kody is able to convince Meri to give him a divorce so he can wed the newbie? You know she’s kicking herself for recruiting Robyn to become part of the family. I’d like to think that Janelle is only sticking around to get more dirt for what is sure to be a best-selling tell-all, right?
[Photo Credit: TLC]