Caroline Stanbury And Julie Montagu Talk Tears Over Yoga, Unicorns Over Husbands


Move over Juliet Angus and Marissa Hermer, it’s Caroline Stanbury and Julie Montagu‘s turn to make much ado about nothing on Ladies of London. Well, it’s primarily Julie who is overreacting and blowing things way out of proportion. Caroline is as cool and flippant as ever.

Julie looked to Caroline for a confidence boost before an important business meeting for “super food” product Julie’s Unbelievable Balls. Yes, I’m serious.

“I was super impressed by Julie‘s business pitch, she was super organized but I needed to take time out and concentrate on trying to save my own business,” Caroline shared in her blog. “As much as I wanted to help her and be there for her, I wanted her to learn from the mistakes I had made.”


Julie did not get what she hoped for from Caroline, “When someone tells you, ‘You don’t have a brain,’ it doesn’t help one’s self confidence. So I walked away actually feeling really bad about myself and not very confident in my business JUB. I guess her comment to me was funny to her, so at least someone walked away feeling good about themselves. Oh well.”

Moving on to New Year’s Eve, Caroline couldn’t contain her snark when Caroline Fleming, the yoga amateur, challenged Julie, the yoga teacher, to a headstand contest in the middle of their formal dinner party. When Julie lost the contest, Caroline Stanbury quipped, “I love that the yoga teacher took longer; I mean, please.” Julie fled the room in tears.

Julie didn’t just leave the room to hide a tear or two and pull herself together – she had a full-on breakdown. Julie was sobbing, shaking, and hyperventilating over Caroline‘s silly comment.


“Yoga is a major part of my life,” shared Julie, “so when someone makes fun of you again (first it is that I have no brain and now this), it makes me feel like I am not really good at anything I do in Caroline’s eyes.”

Caroline was surprised by Julie‘s reaction to her snarky comments, “Clearly I didn’t think they were a dig at Julie. There were two drunk women at the end of the table doing headstands, you can hardly take that seriously.”

Never-the-less, Caroline apologized to Julie for hurting her feelings.

Julie was unmoved, “I didn’t feel that her apology was very sincere. I don’t think she cared very much that she hurt me. In fact, I really don’t think Caroline cares at all what she says or does to me. She thinks it’s all just very funny. And this is where we’re different. I would never make fun of her and her businesses. Ever.”

On a related note, Caroline also managed to piss off Juliet Angus when she straddled Juliet’s husband. While dressed as a Unicorn. The costume part isn’t relevant to the crime – just funny as hell.

When asked, in hindsight, does she think she crossed the line, Caroline said, “No, it was New Year’s Eve, everyone was drunk. I wanted everyone to join in with the fun. Looking back it probably was poor judgement but it was all done in good humor.”

Julie‘s thoughts on the matter, “No comment.”

Tune in next week for the wrath of Juliet. Ughhh. Can’t they all just get along… preferably in castles.


Photo Credit: Bravo



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