Abby Lee Miller scared

Dance Moms Recap: The People’s Choice

Dance Moms recap

The minis were back on last night’s Dance Moms, as was Abby Lee Miller’s unstable behavior. Maddie has been nominated for a People’s Choice Award, and Abby has managed to snag two tickets for herself. Jill whines to Melissa that the entire ALDC should be allowed to attend to support Maddie. Good luck with that, Jill! The veteran moms need to stay behind to insult the mini-moms and grill potential newbie Jeannie with her three dancing daughters Coco, Rihanna, and Kaylee. Jeannie has been personally invited by Abby, so of course the moms are immediately wary of her.

Luckily, Ashlee takes some of the heat off Jeannie by interrogating Melissa about Maddie quitting the team. A frazzled, eye-rolling Melissa is quick to deny the rumors, although she looks very much like the cat who ate the canary! Melissa swears that Maddie will never leave the ALDC, but she can’t even keep a straight face as she says it. Abby enters sporting her normal hot-rollered head, warning the remaining mini-moms about how amazing Jeannie’s daughters are in the dance world.


At pyramid, MacKenzie is in the lowest spot because of her absence this week, followed by Kalani who rushed her choreography in the group dance. Nia follows Kalani until Abby moves her to the first seat on the second rung of the pyramid for being such an amazing demonstrator during one of Abby’s recent classes. JoJo is praised for blending in during the group routine, and Kendall and Brynn are complimented for their acting chops. Of course, Maddie is in the top spot for her high-scoring solo…and People’s Choice nomination. The minis will be doing a jazz routine, and Maddie is granted the only solo entitled “The People’s Choice…Or Not.” Nice.

dance moms abby

Jeannie is upset to learn that her eldest daughter will be dancing with the minis, but she tries not to show it no matter how Ashlee and some mini moms try to goad her. As Abby preps for People’s Choice, she decides to gift Brynn with her extra ticket. Abby feels horribly that Brynn is always left out by the team because the mothers have such disdain for Ashlee, and Brynn is thrilled at the invitation. However, after dressing Brynn and announcing their departure, Jill and Jessalyn blow a fuse over the fact that Abby is taking Brynn and not one of Maddie’s closer friends. They warn her that Melissa is going to be livid that Abby used the extra ticket to bring Maddie’s replacement.

Abby throws up her hands, citing she’s over fighting with this group of women. Brynn’s invitation is revoked, and once again, the girls prove that they are a million times more mature than their mothers. Abby offers the extra ticket to Kalani who politely declines, stating she would hate to be the one who deprived Brynn of the opportunity. She doesn’t want to be part of the mothers’ silly manufactured drama. Abby turns to Kendall, who sweetly follows Kalani’s lead. Jill gets the invitation and giddily accepts. Seriously? When Ashlee reminds Jill that the mothers were the cause of Brynn’s snub, Jill gets pissed that she’ll look like a bad guy for stealing Brynn’s spot. No one takes the ticket.

dance moms jill

The following day, Melissa is giddy about Maddie winning a People’s Choice Award, and Jill fills her in on the ticket drama. Melissa can’t believe that Abby would even consider taking Brynn to the show. Ashlee interjects to say that Abby wanted Brynn get to get to an awards show since she’d never been before, but Melissa shuts down that idea as so stupid. She also refuses to acknowledge that every media outlet is calling this Maddie’s last season with the ALDC. Of course, Jill is quick to turn the attention to Jeannie’s oldest daughter who is rolling her eyes and shedding her costume during the minis rehearsal. Melissa snidely remarks that Kaylee is going to come across as bratty with her actions. The mimi-moms chime in, chirping that they don’t want their girls looking up to someone with such a bad attitude. Holly suggests that Jeannie take a moment with her daughter, but the eleven-year-old still isn’t keen on dancing with the little ones.

dance moms maddie 1

Abby has a heart-to-heart with Maddie about the rumors she’s leaving the ALDC. Maddie tries to convince Abby she’d never leave the team, but it sounds more like she’s trying to persuade herself. Abby encourages her to be more vocal about her intentions to remain loyal to the ALDC, and Maddie nods, chewing on her cheek. Meanwhile, now that the mothers have a found a new target in Jeannie, Ashlee is taking the opportunity to jump on the bullying bandwagon. At least she’s not the one they’re all squawking about now, right? Ashlee shares a rant on social media that Jeannie wrote about doing what’s right and not succumbing to bad behavior. Jeannie arrives to tell Abby to her face that they will not be returning to compete, and Abby threatens her with legal action when she reads Jeannie’s #trashtalking. The minis group routine is morphed into a trio, and the mini-moms are panicked. As one mini melts into tears, Abby decides to pit them against a hip-hop duet in hopes of lighting a fire under their baby butts. 

On the day of competition, Jill questions Maddie’s intentions. Maddie claims to want to continue dancing, and Melissa mutters, “for now…” Uh oh. Maddie is feeling the pressure, but she performs one of her flawless solos. Backstage, Abby introduces her little hip-hoppers which basically incites a riot with the mini moms. How long has the duet been practicing? How is this fair? Have these women watched the show? When one of the moms screams, Abby gets in her face. The older girls sweep in to aid the minis in retreat as Abby lashes out at one tearful mini mom. However, Abby’s diabolical plan works, and one particularly feisty mini reminds her cohorts that they need to prove Abby wrong with how well they perform their trio. It needs to be spot on because the hip-hop duet is pretty awesome. Not shockingly, the minis have dried their tears and rock their precious trio…as much as a mini can rock a monster dance. Their facial expressions are perfection. 

dance moms girls

Holly is upset that the week’s drama has centered on the minis, leaving little time for the junior elite team. She needn’t worry–their vulture number is phenomenal. At the awards ceremony, Maddie wins first place in the teen solo division (duh) and the minis duet takes second to the hip hop duet. Not surprisingly the ALDC sweeps with a win for the teen group routine. After the competition, Abby lavishes the minis with compliments and hugs, which they deserve. The mini mom apologizes to Abby because she’s learned that groveling is the only thing that Abby relates to at the end of the day. However, another mini mom who wants to know the status of the minis with the ALDC hasn’t quite learned that lesson…


[Photo Credit: Lifetime]

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