Sophie Stanbury Still Upset Over Caroline Missing Her Son's Birthday Party, But Admits Sons Are Visiting Her In Dubai!

Sophie Stanbury Still Upset Over Caroline Missing Her Son’s Birthday Party; Admits Sons Are Visiting Her In Dubai

It may be Sophie Stanbury’s first season as a full-time cast member on Ladies Of London, but she’s certainly come out of the gate swinging – though not at the target some might have expected. Former sister in law and friend, Caroline Stanbury, is in her crosshairs this season, and their relationship continues to be contentious post-filming, it seems.

But wait! Sophie recently spilled the news that her sons are visiting Dubai, where Caroline’s family relocated this year. So…are fences being mended after all? According to Sophie, not exactly.


Last week, when Caroline’s children did not attend her nephew Finn’s third birthday party, Sophie was bereft. Although Caroline did tweet an explanation after the fact about her children not attending (she claims she was out of the country and that her parents couldn’t pick her children up for the event), Sophie still harbors resentment over the perceived diss.

“I was really heartbroken that Caroline’s children didn’t come because I think as adults, we have to compartmentalize things. I was definitely gonna park my issues with Caroline to one side and put the children first,” shares Sophie in a Bravo interview.

Sophie continues, “The children get on really well together, and so it was odd for them not to be there. I didn’t want to unload onto them another negative thing that Daddy was only coming in for the party and [Caroline’s sons] weren’t gonna be there. Daddy’s not gonna come home with Mommy because we don’t live together. It was a lot of layering in a really negative situation, so it does make that episode really, really hard and really painful.”

Daddy, otherwise known as Caroline’s brother, Alex Stanbury, didn’t do himself any favors in the episode either, appearing aloof and disinterested during his son’s party. Sophie claims that this episode was filmed during a low spot in their divorce, but things have improved considerably since then.

“It’s really hard to watch big Finn’s birthday party because Alex and I were in a bad place when that was being filmed. There were a lot of things we hadn’t figured out. I was in a negative place with it, so it’s really hard for me to watch it back because now we have worked through those things.”

Sophie says that reliving the party via watching the show was “painful,” but “the bottom line is, Alex is a great dad, and he does support me, and we are friends, and we’re trying to make the best of a bad situation, and that’s what our focus is on. And I think to watch this episode, it’s like, oh God, it’s so negative. It looks really brutal.”

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After the rollercoaster of divorce, Sophie reports that the couple are “now out the other side, and we’re in a good place.”

Such a good place, it seems that Alex has been green lit to take their sons on a vacation – to Dubai! One would assume, to visit Caroline and her family there. Sophie says, “I’m happy to say that the boys 100 percent come first now. My boys are actually with Alex in Dubai now with their cousins having the best time while I’m here. And they’re loving it. I spoke to them a half an hour ago, and they’re literally, they’re so excited and so happy.”

So, does this mean that Sophie and Caroline are back on speaking terms, at least for the sake of their children? Sophie doesn’t explicitly say whether she and Caroline are copacetic, instead focusing on her co-parenting with Alex. She does report that “the children will always come first. I don’t think that will ever happen again, so I’m pleased about that.”

When asked on twitter where her relationship with Caroline stood today, Sophie claimed, “We are on a journey and are still navigating our way through … things are still strained.” However, allowing her sons to visit their aunt in Dubai seems like a good sign toward reconciliation, no?

For her part, Caroline still feels burned by Sophie sharing private comments with Julie Montagu, who Caroline simply has no patience for these days. Caroline told Bravo’s Daily Dish in early December that trust was broken when Sophie made that move and “I don’t know how you get that trust back.”

Caroline also hints that there is much more drama set to unfold this season regarding their relationship, sharing, “You’ll see coming up, actions speak louder than words. You can say you’re sorry, ‘I didn’t mean to do it,’ but if you’re gonna do it again and again, you keep throwing me under the bus.”


Photo Credit: Instagram