Chef Ben Robinson and steward Emily Warburton-Adams had Below Deck viewers wondering all season: Will they or won’t they? (Stay together after filming, that is.) Well, we still don’t have a confirmed answer on that, but Ben and Emily appear to be very cozy as they launch their very own cooking show!
Airing their cooking show on Facebook and YouTube, the pair of seafaring lovers who drove chief stew Kate Chastain crazy with their puppy dog eyes and enormous funeral bouquets of undying affection now stand side by side offering viewers healthy recipes and followed by talk show-like segments.
Ben and Emily – or Bemily, as the crew dubbed them – have teamed up to offer easy, healthful options that cooks can make at home. No need for a chef’s kitchen aboard a multi-million dollar yacht, people! Bonus.
The segments, a few of which are posted on Bravo, are fairly bare bones – donning a dimly-lit plain table with a few ingredients and a plain curtain slung behind as backdrop. Titled “Cooking with Chef Ben” or “Cooking with Ben And Emily” the cooking segments present ideas for simple foods like hummus or white bean salads.
These little how-to bits are followed by Ben and “Ems” sitting down to answer fan questions, like “Who’s your favorite band?” (Duran Duran for Ben…just in case you’re on the edge of your seat, wondering) and “Why is your hair so crazy?” (LOL!). By the way, Ben says his hair is crazy just because…it is. Always has been, always will be. So there you go.
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Ben, a long time Lothario on Below Deck and Below Deck Mediterranean, surprised the crew and viewers alike when he fell hard for the younger Emily aboard Valor season four, a match initially set up in part by long-time friend and coworker (not to mention, former romantic dalliance), Kate. The couple seemed smitten with each other from the start, though Ben appeared the more smitten of the two, practically begging Emily for an overnight grownup playdate after a few off-yacht dates.
Though the couple haven’t confirmed whether their dating status is currently more along the lines of “in a relationship” or “it’s complicated,” the duo seem to be forging ahead on this cooking venture as close friends, if nothing else. And just in case you need another reason to check out Ben and Emily’s show, Ben’s older, easy-on-the-eyes brother, James Robinson, even makes a cameo!
Whatever their status is, good luck Bemily! (And Bravo, how about throwing some production equipment their way for these online segments? #BadLightingKillsDreams) You can take a peek at Ben and Emily’s show on Ben’s Facebook page or YouTube channel now.
Photo Credit: Bravo