Peggy Sulahian Swears She Didn’t Know About Shannon Beador’s Marriage Troubles

Newbie Peggy Sulahian swears she had no idea that Shannon Beador had trouble in her marriage to David when she made her comments about trust at Meghan’s dinner. She also explains her aversion to psychics in this week’s Real Housewives of Orange County blog.

Peggy starts off sharing her empathy for Vicki Gunvalson‘s health journey. “Watching Vicki in the cardiologist’s office took me back to when I began my difficult journey. Hearing that she has an abnormal EKG and an enlarged heart was not easy. Through my trial, Vicki has been one person that has encouraged me and shown concern. I hope that I can be there for her.”  She adds, “Her decision not to attend Meghan’s dinner revealed that she is focusing on herself.”

On having no desire to participate in the mystical festivities, “Like I said at Meghan’s house, I have no interest in the psychic. I wanted to support Meghan out of respect and was later notified that she had a special guest. My path has been laid out and I am content in holding on to my faith.”

Peggy claims complete innocence when it comes to Shannon and David Beador‘s issues, but how believable is it?  She writes, “I guess I pushed the WRONG button with Shannon. Unbeknownst to me, she had issues with David. That’s why all the jaws dropped. It never crossed my mind that Shannon was in such a fragile state. It is clear to me now that this poor woman is dealing with so many issues in her life and that explains why she is lashing out everywhere. My intention was to clear the air and make peace with her. I don’t like conflict with others and I want people to know where I stand on issues. It is never good to push things “under the rug.” I wanted to talk to Shannon but all she did was twist what I said, retaliate, yell, and cry. At that time, I was still recovering from surgery and I was not as grounded as I am today. All I was looking for from these women was support and friendship. Kudos to Meghan for calling it as she saw it.”

RELATED: Shannon Thinks Diko and Peggy like to stir things up!

Peggy adds one final bit of shade aimed at the mystic, “I do apologize to Meghan for ruining her beautiful dinner, yet shouldn’t the psychic have predicted the clashing of colors?”

Peggy says that it’s hard to watch Shannon in so much pain, but suggests she may just need a crying session to let it all out. “Ironically, Shannon does address Tamra’s issue with clarity stating, that God has a plan for all of us and sometimes you have to go through a lot of pain. Maybe all she needs is a good cry! But it is hard to watch her in so much pain. Marital troubles can rock any house. Lesson learned, not going to any more psychic events!”


Photo Credit: Bravo TV

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