90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Falling Apart

Monday’s episode of 90 Day Fiance The Other Way restored my faith in humanity. I was beginning to lose all hope watching these train wrecks make a fool of themselves every week. I guess whether voluntary or involuntary some wrongs are made right in due time.

Jenny Slatten and Sumit see each other for the first time, since she found out she was his mistress. The issues between Laura, her son and Aladin come to a head. Tiffany makes a difficult decision for her son and unborn child. Let’s get straight into the recap!

Laura, 51 (Eustis, Florida) & Aladin, 29 (Qatar)

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Falling Apart

It’s the last day of the wedding and Laura is ready to drag her son by the ear to the festivities if she has to do so. Laura and Liam discuss his concerns about Aladin’s plan to have a family with his mother. He wants to ensure Laura’s financial support doesn’t come to a screeching halt, because of a new baby. She assures her son she will not abandon him and begs him to give Aladin a chance. Liam acknowledges that he has been rude and hasn’t actually tried to get to know her husband. The two hug it out and agree that their bond will never change. Thank goodness! I thought Liam was going to pout in the hotel room his entire visit. Did he at least emerge for food? I can understand being upset that your mother is moving to another country. But, I wouldn’t want to jeopardize the little time I did have to spend quality time with her.

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Falling Apart

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Falling Apart

Liam shows up to the wedding looking like Crocodile Dundee’s younger cousin to support his mother. He even does a complete 180 and actually apologizes to Aladin for his behavior. Although Aladin thinks Liam is weird, he is happy that they can move forward to make Laura happy. I must admit, the wedding was beautiful. Either Aladin is a certified hustler or he just may really love his wife. Hmm….my mind says he is playing her, but my heart wants to believe this odd couple is hopelessly in love. Sigh! I’m not sure, but I definitely will be keeping a watchful eye on Aladin.

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Falling Apart

Paul, 35 (Louisville, Kentucky) & Karine, 22 (Brazil)

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Falling Apart

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Falling Apart

Paul Staehle’s mother is still in town enjoying her time with her grandchild. Karine Staehle has enjoyed getting to know her mother–in law. Also, it didn’t hurt she was a buffer between her and Paul. When Paul leaves to go to the store, Karine furiously types into her translator app all the problems she has with her husband. Karine is worried her baby is picking up on all of Paul’s angry energy. His mother agrees to speak to her son to see if it will help change his behavior. When she and Paul talk she warns that she isn’t able to support him any longer and he needs to find work. Paul has every excuse in the book, but Mama Paul isn’t trying to hear it. He is old enough to get a job and take care of his family.

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Falling Apart

Paul’s mother’s visit is coming to an end.  Karine is worried Paul will start acting crazy again once she leaves. They both want to try to work on their relationship. But if he doesn’t find a job soon, Karine may follow through with her divorce threats. Let’s be real, they are only an small argument away from hating each other.

Jenny, 60 (Palm Springs, California) & Sumit, 30 (India)

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Falling Apart

Seven days after Summit was taken away, he was finally able to go speak with Jenny. She opens the door and hugs him like a lost puppy. Jenny, why the hell haven’t you returned to America yet? She questions why he continued talking to her after he got married. Summit claims that he tried to make his marriage work the first year, but he was unhappy. Ummm…Summit you were playing both women! You were married and talking to Jenny at the same time.  To add insult to injury, he had her move to India for nothing. This man is a liar and a manipulator. Why would he allow her to spend her entire life savings in hopes of getting married before her visa expires? Even after all Summit has done, Jenny is still looking to him, to tell her what to do about their relationship. Huh??? Chile, please! Drop that loser and RUN as fast as you can from him and his family!


Tiffany, 27 (Frederick, Maryland) & Ronald, 29 (South Africa)

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Falling Apart

Tiffany is finally starting to consider her son’s needs ahead of her desire to be with Ronald. After a talk with her son, she tells Ronald she wants to go home. She feels like America is the safest place for her family. She also worries about the pressure funding the household will put on Ronald and his sobriety. Tiffany makes the difficult decision to return to the U.S. for the birth of the baby and hope Ronald gets approved for a visa. With his criminal history that may be a long shot, but I think it’s the right decision. I just wish she would have tried to apply for the visa, before getting pregnant in South Africa. Oh well, better late than never. It broke my heart hearing little Daniel so sad about how his life drastically changed.


[Photo Credit: TLC]