90 Day Fiance Recap: Second Guessing

In last night’s episode of 90 Day Fiance  focused on several shot gun weddings, K1 Visa style. I believe if some of these couples had more time, they would definitely take it. But despite being riddled with fear about the future, each couple embarks on a new journey. Honestly, I can’t wait to see where this leads.

The 90 days are up for the Americans and their foreign fiancés. They must marry or go back home to their country. Mike and Natalie have only 24 hours to make their decision.  While in Vegas, Jovi gets pre-wedding jitters. Let’s get straight to the recap!

Mike, 35 (Sequim, WA), and Natalie, 35 (Ukraine)

90 Day Fiance Recap: Second Guessing

Natalie is forced to tuck her tail between her legs and return back to Mike’s house when she is turned away from the hotel in Seattle. Apparently, neither she nor Mike’s neighbor knew that you couldn’t show up with a credit card in someone else’s name without them present. There is no way in hell I would have gone back to his house. I don’t understand why they couldn’t just pay for the hotel with their own card and Mike reimburse them. Nonetheless, when Natalie returns Mike expresses guilt and claims he felt rushed and was nervous. Insert side eye here. I guess the years and time he had while filing for the K1 Visa doesn’t count for anything?

The next morning, Natalie has an emotional breakdown about whether to stay with Mike or move on.  But Mike reassures her that he never truly wanted her to leave. Umm… it sure looked like he was okay with her leaving as he watched her pack, cry and drive off. Later, they video chat with an immigration lawyer to see what options they may have left. It seems like Mike is only looking for someone to make him feel comfortable with them disobeying the visa policy. But, the lawyer doesn’t recommend that course of action because Natalie would technically be in the country illegally. Ugh! I’m so sick of them dragging out this doomed relationship.


Jovi, 29 (New Orleans, LA), and Yara, 25 (Ukraine)

 90 Day Fiance Recap: Second Guessing

Despite being pregnant and moody, Yara decides to join Jovi in the pre-wedding festivities with his friends. No one knows that she is pregnant so there is peer pressure for her drink. I still don’t understand why they don’t just tell everyone. I think it would make a lot more sense, rather than to allow everyone to think she just hates them. Later, when Jovi goes shopping for rings with his mother it’s obvious he doesn’t see the sentimental value. When his mom reminds him that the ring lasts forever and is important, he quickly dismisses that idea.

Jovi and his groomsmen go shopping the day before the wedding armed with nothing more than beer. His dad and one of the groomsmen chat while Jovi is getting fitted. He mentions that Yara has been moody and believes it’s strange that they aren’t happier. He also worries that Yara has only seen vacation Jovi and not the real him. When Jovi returns , his dad asks again is he sure he wants to get married. In a post interview, he admits that things went quickly and he is worried, but is going to get married anyway.


Tarik, 46 (Virginia Beach, VA), and Hazel, 28 (Philippines)

90 Day Fiance Recap: Second Guessing

The day is finally here! Tariq and Hazel say I do in a small intimate ceremony. Tariq’s brother Dwain attends the wedding. Unfortunately, he and his other brother Dean, who we have all seen in previous episodes, are still feuding so he wasn’t in attendance. Despite all of that, they share their vows while Tariq’s daughter stands between them. This was a long time coming hopefully they don’t let their pursuit for a girlfriend overshadow their marriage.

Brandon, 27 (Dinwiddie, VA), and Julia, 26 (Russia)

90 Day Fiance Recap: Second Guessing

Despite all of the issues I have had with this entitled couple, I really enjoyed watching their wedding. Brandon’s parents really went out of their way to help make this day special for Julia. They arrange to have Julia’s family present virtually via Zoom. I loved that they both said their vows in the other’s native tongue. I’m also happy that Julia got her church wedding. I believe if they had married anywhere else she would have been disappointed for years.

Rebecca, 49 (Woodstock, GA), and Zied, 27 (Tunisia)

90 Day Fiance Recap: Second Guessing

Rebecca and Zied finally tie the knot. Despite the rush to wed before Ramadan, their wedding goes smoothly. Even though Rebecca has on a dress that is too tight and Zied has on several different colors, these two manage to pull it off. Rebecca rides in a white horse drawn carriage, feeling like Cinderella before being escorted to the altar by her son-in-law. Hopefully things work out and we don’t have to watch Rebecca get married, once again. But something tells me things are about to get interesting.



[Photo Credit: TLC]