Welcome to our recap of The Bachelor Season 28, Episode 8! This week, Bachelor Joey Graziadei visits the hometowns of the four remaining women. While three of the women open up about their feelings for Joey, one woman holds back out of fear of heartbreak. And for some reason, Kelsey Anderson just can’t stop with the grandma shoes. Ugh. Here are some highlights from The Bachelor Season 28, Episode 8.
The good times roll in Nawlins

Welcome to New Orleans, Kelsey’s hometown. This should be fun.
First up is a ride through City Park on a tandem bicycle. It’s beautiful with the Spanish moss hanging off the trees. The last time Kelsey rode a tandem bike was with her mom, who passed a couple of years ago, so it’s a special memory.
Kelsey also associates butterflies with her mom, so every time she sees one, she squeals with delight. Though she’s definitely falling for Joey, it’s hard to know that her mom won’t be there to share “those big moments” in her future.
Next up are beignets, fried dough covered in powdered sugar. They’re the New Orleans version of a doughnut and came to “Nawlins” with the 18th-century French-Creole colonists. I’ve always wanted to try those.
As they’re enjoying their beignets, they notice a woman in a bridal gown nearby, posing for photos.
“How does that make you feel seeing that?” Joey asks.
“It’s an exciting idea,” Kelsey says. “It’s exciting, but I am pretty terrified.” She’s afraid he’ll break her heart. Three of the four remaining women are undoubtedly headed for Heartbreak City, so there’s a good chance.
Family photographs

When Kelsey and Joey meet her dad, Mark, he admits, “It’s very difficult not to have her mother here.” Then he pulls out a photo album with pictures of Kelsey’s mom and their family. She and Joey enjoy looking at all the old photos.
Mark wants to know if Joey’s someone who would protect his daughter the way he would. He’s reassured when Joey says, “My feelings for [Kelsey] are real … and I’m extremely hopeful.”
Mark sits with Kelsey and says, “The way [Joey] is with you is very reassuring. I want all of you to have that feeling I had with your mom because it’s the best thing in the world.”
Kelsey tells her dad that she thinks she loves Joey, even though there’s a possibility of heartbreak.
“I think Kelsey’s ready for the happiness,” Mark says.
Joey was impressed with Kelsey’s family. “They were so loving … open and honest. I’m really happy.” They agree it was a great day, and he would count himself lucky to be a part of their family.
Joey eats a pig’s ear

Next up is Rachel Nance in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. “We didn’t get to go to Hawaii,” she explains, “but my family flew out to bring it to us.” Rachel was born and raised in the Aloha State but lives in SoCal now.
Rachel preps Joey on Filipino traditions. When Joey meets Rachel’s mom, Nuela, he touches his forehead to the back of her hand as Rachel coached him, and everyone loves it. They’ve roasted an entire pig to honor the couple.
“In the Filipino culture, when a suitor is interested in a woman, he has to eat the [pig’s] ear,” Nuela says. Joey is fine with that and gobbles it right up. Poor little piggie. Did you know pigs have the intelligence of a three-year-old child? I always feel guilty eating pork because of that, but sadly, they’re delicious. Sorry, Wilbur.
Rachel chats with her dad, Hakim. “I do see a future with [Joey],” she says. “I feel very happy with him … and I feel safe.” He tells her that no matter what happens, she’ll always have her mom and dad, who love her more than anything. Aww, he reminds me of my daddy.
Nuela asks Joey straight up about his feelings for her daughter.
“I care for your daughter, and I have not taken this lightly,” he says.
“I wish you the best,” she says, getting emotional. “My concern is [the] three other women involved.”
Even though Rachel’s parents are telling her to protect herself, “They do see me as someone who’s suitable for their daughter,” he says. Rachel’s sister Mandy tells her to “follow your heart.”
Rachel tells Joey she’s falling in love with him, and he’s thrilled.
Daisy’s Christmas Tree Farm

Wow! From SoCal to Becker, Minnesota, in the Fall. That must have been something of a climate shock, but the Fall colors are beautiful.
Daisy Kent is excited to show Joey around. “This is my family’s old Christmas tree farm,” she says. “Are you ready to go explore?”
“This place is special to me,” Daisy adds. “It’s just a place filled with love and Christmas.” What a great place to grow up.
“I haven’t told Joey how I feel yet,” she interviews. “I need to see him with my family first. See how he interacts with them … if they think he’s someone I can spend forever with.”
They get hot cocoa and hand-feed baby alpacas. “When I’m with Joey,” Daisy says, “I can completely picture myself being with him for the rest of my life. I just feel, like, giddy all the time.”
“This whole experience has honestly changed my … outlook on life. That’s, like, completely because of [Joey] and how he looks at me and treats me. Even if it’s not us at the end … I’m gonna have that forever. I know what I deserve, and I’m really happy.”
“I need my family’s stamp of approval on Joey,” she adds. Time to go meet them.
Daisy lets her walls down

Daisy’s parents, Julie and Brandon, are waiting, along with her sister, brother, and grandparents. Everybody wants to meet Joey.
Joey says he knew from their first date, “I was in trouble.”
Grandpa pipes up, “No, you’re not in trouble, Joey. You’re blessed.” Sweet!
“The hardest thing for me,” Julie tells Joey, “is that I do see that connection … But there’s also three other girls. Have you guys said ‘I love you’ to each other?”
“We have not,” Joey admits. “Daisy has told me there are real feelings, and I feel the same way … She wants to see how I would interact with her family.”
“I feel like Joey truly does love her,” Julie confesses. “But it just seems like she is not being vulnerable.”
“What do you think?” Julie asks Daisy.
“I like him a lot,” Daisy says. “He’s awesome.”
“He’s a really nice guy,” Julie agrees. “I definitely see that you really care for each other … [But] you’re afraid to get hurt.”
“I’m just worried that I’m not gonna be able to express it to him, and then I’m gonna lose him,” Daisy says.
“I want Daisy to … put the walls down and be vulnerable,” Julie interviews. “If Joey’s the guy for her, it’ll work out.”
“No one wants to get hurt,” Brandon says. “But if you want it to work, [you need] to get past that.” She needs to “shoot the shot … It’s only love.”
Apparently, she takes her parents’ words to heart. As soon as she and Joey are outside, Daisy “bites the bullet” and says, “I am falling in love with you … I think there’s something amazing here, and I want to see what it could be.”
Joey feels the same way. He’d better, ’cause she’s my favorite.
Maria in the mist

Joey is meeting Maria Georgas in Niagara Falls, New York. Isn’t she from Canada? The falls are beautiful, and again the autumn colors are gorgeous.
“As soon as I take one step forward, she takes two steps back,” Joey says about Maria. He doesn’t want to leave her hometown visit with doubt about their relationship.
Joey and Maria go on the Maid of the Mist, the famous tour boat that takes 1.5 million tourists up close to Niagara Falls annually (I looked it up). ABC must have rented out the whole boat, because Joey and Maria are the only passengers for their trip to the falls.
Maria really likes Joey, but she’s fully aware of the three other women, which scares her. It’s making her hold back.
Joey sits down with Maria’s dad, Nick. Maria means everything to her dad. She’s his “princess.” Joey asks for her father’s blessing if it comes to a proposal.
“If I know that you’re the guy that she chose,” Nick says, “I respect her decision. I would have no problem giving you my blessings. You’d become more to me than a son, because the woman that you chose is my life.”
“Tonight exceeded my expectations,” Maria interviews. “I’m so happy my family gave me the validation I needed.”
Before Joey leaves, Maria wants to tell him how she feels, but she can’t get farther than saying “my feelings for you are growing.” The thought of the other women and possible heartbreak are holding her back. So Joey leaves without hearing her say she’s falling in love with him.
“I don’t know why I didn’t say it,” she confesses. “I just froze.” That may cost you later, girl.
The Rose Ceremony

When Kelsey is leaving for the RC, she is wearing a really cute pair of white pumps with high heels for once. But when she steps out of the car a few minutes later, she’s wearing the grandma shoes again. What’s up with that? Is she afraid of being taller than Joey?
As the women gather in an airplane hangar, Maria’s regretting not telling Joey she’s falling in love with him. She can still ask to talk to him before the Rose Ceremony. Speak up, girl!
As he picks up the first rose, Maria finally says, “Joey, can I talk to you for a second?”
When they get outside, she says, “I don’t want to have regrets coming out of this … I am falling in love with you … Regardless of what happens tonight, I would regret not telling you that.” He’s very stone-faced as she’s speaking. I think she missed her moment.
Joey gives roses to Daisy, Kelsey, and Rachel. I actually gasped because I thought he’d give Maria a rose. She really blew it not telling him she was falling in love. I’m stunned.
Joey walks Maria out and tells her it was a difficult decision. “We’ve had a bumpy road,” he says. “I was trying my best to get there. I just … felt it would be dishonest to move forward with the doubts that I have.”
Next week: Fantasy Suites in Tulum, Mexico! And the Golden Bachelor women are back to offer advice. Those ladies are making a career out of being Gerry Turner’s rejects.
The Bachelor Season 28 continues Mondays at 8/7c on ABC.