Gael Cameron and Nathan Gallagher’s Below Deck Med Boatmance Timeline

Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo via Getty Images

In the Bravo Universe, couples come and go. But something tells me that Gael Cameron and Nathan Gallagher have found their other halves in each other. These two stunners met on board Below Deck Mediterranean in Season 9, quickly catching feelings with each episode that passed. Overall, these deckhands shared a slow-burn-styled love (of sorts), which did not fully bloom until closer to the end of their first season on BDM.

Their boatmance got rocked with difficulties from the very start. But the heart wants what it wants, never listening to any rhymes or reasons. So, over time, Gael and Nathan worked through their problems, aided by their costars, who were all shipping these two beyond hard.

Post-filming, Gael and Nathan set sail via an extended, cozy trip for two around Europe. And no, their giggly third wheel, deckhand Joe Bradley, was not in attendance. But what happened after this trip? Are Gael and Nathan still an item, or has this relationship sailed away to other ports of call?

Gael Cameron and Nathan Gallagher started their boatmance during BDM Season 9


Gael opens up about her relationship at home and how she is feeling. #BelowDeckMed #BelowDeck #RealityTV #Hayu

♬ original sound – Hayu – Hayu

Gael and Nathan’s eyes honed in on each other once they boarded their newest home away from home, the motor yacht Mustique. However, Gael already had a man waiting for her back on land, so she did her best to ignore her feelings for Nathan. But try as Gael may, Nathan turned out to be so much more than just her new platonic male friend on BDM.

During Season 9, Gale ventured into the galley, where Chef Johnathan Shillingford walked her through her inner warring monologues. As Gale stressed that her man was a solid human, this patient chef-turned-therapist quietly asked, “Do you want to be with him?” Instead of answering him, Gale again deflected, like she was trying to make her head agree with her heart. Cue Chef Jono, gently stating that her response failed to answer his ask.

Bonding over strawberries (IYKYK), Gael and Nathan displayed a flirtatious banter on deck. Then, following a crew night out, they searched their yacht for a place that might be camera-free. But sadly, cameras are now everywhere on these yachts. Their romp would have failed either way, however, as Gael never even found his hidden meet-up location.

Midway through the season, Gael and her boyfriend broke up. Shortly after, Gael and Nathan started a boatmance. Their relationship was still intact as they exited filming on BDM Season 9.

After filming wrapped, Gael Cameron and Nathan Gallagher traveled the world together for six weeks

When the Season 9 yachties exited filming, Gael left with Nathan. Nathan had already declared his love for Gale, yet Gael had a few concerns, as Nathan had also invited Joe along for the ride. In her confessional, Gael admitted that her ex-boyfriend never put her first. And, if you asked her, Nathan was following this same path.

Thankfully, this story resolved itself, leaving Gale and Nathan as a duo, not a trio, on their journey. Sorry, Joe.

For six weeks, Gale and Nathan traveled around Europe, learning more about each other with each stop along the way. But boatmances are hard to maintain on land, as this duo quickly gathered. To explain, Gale and Nathan had specific jobs to complete during filming, which bit into their alone time together this season on BDM. Once left to their own devices, where they were the only two people on this trip, things began unraveling rather quickly between Gale and Nathan.

Gael Cameron and Nathan Gallagher briefly parted ways after their trip

Shortly after their travels ended, Gale and Nathan split. To explain their decision, they both sat down for a taping of the Below Deck Med After Show, trying to explain what transpired.

“[Nathan] just has a lot of emotional maturing to do,” Gael began, noting that during their travels, Nathan displayed some behaviors that she was less than fond of. Aesha Scott then jumped in, asking Gale to explain what her statement meant. In response, Gael stated that she saw “a little bit of anger, a little bit of stubbornness [and] immaturity” in Nathan.

Nathan, however, explained that there were other factors at play here. “Once we went apart, I started a new job,” he began. Meanwhile, “[Gael] was back in Australia, [and] the time zones [made it] very difficult to communicate. So we were only doing good mornings or goodnights,” which made Nathan start second-guessing their entire relationship.

“We were making plans,” Gael continued, adding, “He had one month on and one month off, so we were supposed to see each other a month later.” Yet, when Gale noticed that two weeks had passed since she had last heard from Nathan, she knew something was amiss. But his silence was hard for her to understand as Nathan began ghosting Gale.

Shockingly, his ex called him. So Nathan was giving this romance another go. Cool, bruh (opposite day).

Realizing their mistake, Gael Cameron and Nathan Gallagher rekindled their romance

What is supposed to be will always be (sometimes), as was the case for Gale and Nathan. After ending things, Nathan realized that Gale was his match. Therefore, he began setting a course for their reconciliation via another adventure-filled jaunt around Europe.

His efforts worked, as on September 25, 2024, Nathan shared an image of himself kissing Gael, captioned “R3KINDL3D.” Likewise, Gale shared a loved-up image on her Instagram page, writing, “Finders keepers.” In her photograph, her head is gazing seductively back at Nathan, who is holding her hand.

The Daily Dish followed this couple as they traveled. According to their lurking, these two deckhands originally planned on a flight to Paris. However, they missed their flight.

Cue Nathan going rogue, quickly planning a surprise fix for Gale. Sticking to his sneaky, lovesick ways, Nathan refused to let Gael accompany him to the check-in stand, still trying to keep their new destination as a surprise for his ladyfriend. Then, after they finally arrived in Majorca, around 2 a.m., their accommodations fell through, and they could not book a rental car because neither of them had a license handy. It was a hot mess.

But Gale and Nathan took it all in stride. They are in love, and nothing else matters. To Gale and Nathan, may the wind always be at your back, hopefully blowing you both towards another season of Below Deck Mediterranean.

Below Deck Mediterranean is streaming on Peacock.