DC Housewives’ Michaele Salahi Denies Anorexia, Slams Co-Stars, Plus DC Police Investigates Escort

Michaele SalahiLynda Erkiletian

A lot to report on the Real Housewives of DC today.

First, Michaele Salahi is speaking out on her website and denying claims that she is anorexic (who accused her of being anorexic?), while slamming her co-stars in the process. “Lynda takes pleasure in tearing down other women, which I think is wrong,” Michaele wrote on her website, adding that she is “sick of her not being up front and talking behind my back”.

Lynda Erkiletian however spoke to E! news and denied she ever accused Michaele of being anorexic. “At the beginning of filming, when I would see her I felt that she had lost a lot of weight and I was genuinely concerned,” said Lynda. “As a [modeling] agent, I don’t ever use the A-word, which she’s been parading around and making up and the media has picked up on. I know better.”

Michaele also had some words for Catherine Ommanney and Mary Schmidt Amons, who both bad mouthed Michaele during the last episode as they visited the Salahis winery for a polo lesson. Michaele claims both Cat and Mary “are always the type of women who have to wear what I wear… Silly really,” she wrote. “Cat and Mary decided that they wanted to be a little sarcastic about my attire – they were upset that they were in jeans and I was wearing riding pants. I am married to a polo player – of course I wear riding pants.”

In other DC news, while the second episode of the DC Housewives aired last Thursday, a lot of viewers had many questions. One being why are the Salahis rolling in a white stretch limo? Another being why the heck do they have police escort? It seems the DC Police Department was also curious about the later question as they launched an investigation into the escort issue right away.

Police spokesman Lt. Nicholas Breul told CNN Saturday, “The chief has asked that an investigation be conducted into whether or not there was any type of an escort for the Salahis. We’re working to identify the car and the officer… Escorts are generally used for safety reasons to swiftly move people, and those are generally dignitaries, from one point or another. Generally speaking, there are no escorts for people going to parties or social functions.”

CNN is however reporting today that the investigation has been concluded and the finding was that the Salahis had a Park police escort and that “the MPD [Metropolitan Police Department] car featured in the episode was not the escort car and was edited into the shot incorrectly.”

And finally, TMZ also reported this weekend that Micahele’s husband Tareq Salahi had the cops called on him by his own mother on July 27th. We reported back in November that “Tareq sued his mother, Corinne, and the case was dismissed. Corinne then sued Tareq and the case went to trial. Tareq and Michaele won control of the Oasis Winery in 2007, but it has run into debt since then. The winery filed for bankruptcy back in February 2009, and owes over $900,000 in debt.” The Oasis Winery in Virginia was founded by Tareq’s parents back in 1977.

According to TMZ, Tareq’s mom called the cops and reported that her son was trespassing on the property. Upon the cops’ arrival, Tareq explained to the officers that he still has an apartment located above the winery and should therefore be allowed to enter his residence.

The cops determined that Tareq was right and he was allowed to enter the apartment.