Mob Wives Recap: A Tale Of Two Natalies

mob wives karen

Should the ladies of Mob Wives invest in some sort of vermin extermination business. They certainly hate rats would love nothing more than to get rid of all of them! Last night’s episode begins as Karen Gravano heads to Renee Graziano’s house and I’m terrified of Renee’s hat. The women are discussing Junior’s latest betrayal. Renee is appalled that her ex-husband has now turned in Big Ang’s cousin who may now face life in prison. She hates that she and AJ have to continue paying for Junior’s crimes. Even though she know Junior is a rat, Renee warns that her friends better not say as much as that is AJ’s father. 

Speaking of rats, Drita D’Avanzo and Big Ang are ready to confront Natalie Guercio to find out once and for all if she’s a cop caller. At Nicole’s apartment, Drita and Ang are facing off against Natalie. Drita cuts right to the chase, and she tells Natalie about her encounter with Natalie 2.0. Both ladies are spitting mad about their hatred of rats. When Drita relays the story about Natalie allegedly calling the cops on her ex-boyfriend, Natalie admits to be a cop caller. She explains that the relationship was toxic, and she called the police when her ex got violent during a fight. Ang and Drita back track a bit, and they tell Natalie that being endangered is the only reason to call the police. Natalie wants new Natalie to say these rumors to her face. Drita agrees that it’s the best tactic. She’s season one Drita with all her big talk about punching people. 

CLICK THE CONTINUE READING BUTTON FOR MORE! After her blow-up with Storm, Karen has avoided her boyfriend like the plague. However, he wants to take her out to dinner to make amends. A nervous Storm starts off with a pretty genuine apology and promises never to repeat his mistake. Karen accepts his apology, but she’s not willing to let him off so easily. Of course, she’s not willing to throw their relationship away, and she resolves to take his word that the side chick belonged to his friend. She wants him to know that her forgiveness in no way means that she condones cheating. Storm jokes that he now knows he’ll never be able to win a fight with Karen, so he’ll be on his best behavior to avoid them.

Natalie Denato is the new Natalie whose cousin also has ties to the mob. Well, at least she has some sort of reason to be here. Maybe? Rumor has it that she was once incarcerated for drugs and running a prostitution ring. She claims this isn’t the case. Her boyfriend Ronnie has received a phone call from first Natalie (should I just call her Ratalie to make things easier?), and she’s asked him to come do some work on her new apartment. Natalie 2.0 isn’t on board with this as she considers other Natalie to be a big whore and friend f*cker. He reveals to his girlfriend that Natalie was hoping to get dirt on new Natalie and why she’s been spreading rat lies about her. Not going to happen, second Natalie promises…first Natalie isn’t delicious, she’s delusional!

Renee is stressed out due to all the drama going on her life. She’s upset that Ang and Drita still won’t take her word on Natalie. She’s pissed that her friends went to Natalie to get her side of the story. Renee heads to her doctor because supposably (yes, supposably) he can help her. She wants to learn to cope with her stress without self-medicating like she’s done in the past. Her doctor recommends IV nutrition therapy. Renee tries to relax for the thirty minutes the treatment take, but ten minutes into the IV, she gets a text that AJ has been in a bad accident. As quickly as she can pull the needle from her arm, Renee is out the door. She learns that AJ is in so much pain that an ambulance has been called. She arrives at the park as AJ is being hauled off on a stretcher. 

After a long day, the last thing that Drita wants to do is going grocery shopping. She is buying out the deli to appease Lee. She’s planning on a feast of meatball and pasta since her desire to go on a vacation isn’t going to happen any time soon. She gets a call from the creative director of the magazine, and he praises her recent photo shoot. He invites her to a party for the magazine and encourages her to bring friends. Learning that Natalie D. will be attending, Drita knows better than to include Ratalie on the guest list.  

Across town, Karen is hosting Ang at her new place to tell her about the situation with AJ. He’s had to have surgery due to the accident. Renee comes over as well, and Karen hopes that the can provide her with the support she needs. Renee dramatically rehashes her day, from the IV treatment to AJ tearing his Achilles tendon. That is no joke! She gets teary when she talks about her friend drama. How can Ang defend someone who has been so horrible to her? Ang wonders how Renee can jump from AJ’s injury to Natalie. Renee is allowing Natalie to cause unnecessary stress. Ang thinks that a cousin facing life in prison is much more stressful. Renee becomes stoic, “She’s a story teller.” Ang can’t understand why Renee doesn’t get that she refuses to take sides. Renee reminds Ang that Natalie told everyone she had relapsed, and the only way Natalie knew that is because they were doing drugs together. An exasperated Ang thinks Renee’s focus needs to be on AJ’s recovery and not Natalie. 

The Natalie also known as Ratalie is having a housewarming for her new New York apartment. A huge Philly crowd has come in for the party. She hopes her neighbors aren’t cop callers if the bash gets too loud. Natalie’s friend Elexis gifts her with some dirt on Natalie D. Guess what? Natalie D. is also a cop caller! She’s got restraining orders out on people who don’t need to be restrained…according to Elexis. Natalie can’t believe that she’s the one who is supposably (again?) a cop caller. Geez. That’s what cops are for though, right? To be called? 

Ang is going to court for her cousin’s sentencing. As she puts it, he was involved in a robbery that ended with something fatal. Something fatal means that a person was murdered. Junior is on trial for the shooting, and he turning in his accomplices left and right. Not able to deal with the craziness, Renee heads to her therapist. She’s worried that Ang is going to turn on her because of Junior’s actions. Her therapist just nods and furrows her brows. The poor lady can’t get a word in edgewise. Meanwhile, Ang calls Drita to share that her cousin has been sentenced to thirty-eight years. Given his age, it’s a life sentence. Ang and Drita wonder how Renee will react to this news, and Ang is just sick over the situation. 

It’s the night of Drita’s magazine party, and Ang is going to support her friend. She only hopes Renee will be on her best behavior and won’t act like she did at Karen’s house. Ang predicts that Karen, Renee and Natalie D. are going to be the new threesome. Ang looks very sleek, but Drita’s hair has seen better days. Drita just wants a fun night to celebrate her success, and Ang is on board for a drama-free event. Karen and Renee arrive, and Renee has grand plans of keeping things light. Sure, she does. The tension between Ang and Renee is palpable, but any turmoil is interrupted by the new Natalie introduction. Karen immediately goes into how much she hates Natalie G., and Natalie confirms that original Natalie is nothing but a discrediting cop caller. Ang is fed up with Renee’s attitude, and she questions Renee talking about Natalie doing cocaine. She claims to have Natalie’s DNA on a dollar bill. What the hell? The last time Ang checked, Renee wasn’t a CSI. I love her one-liners. Ang likens her story to Renee being a rat. When Renee counters that Ang doesn’t know what a rat is, Ang retorts that Renee married a rat. Ouch. Poor Karen finds herself in the middle, and for once, I feel badly for her. I’ve never seen Ang so heated, and she busts through her friends to get to Renee. It’s craziness! 


[Photo Credit: VH1]