Survivor’s Colton Cumbie: “I Take Pride in My Villain Title;” Thinks People Offended By Him Are “Too Sensitive”

Y’all had to know Colton Cumbie of Survivor wasn’t going anywhere – heck, he may be getting more attention now that he’s off the show, than when he was the resident villain on the beach!

Colton has been speaking out about his time on the show, leaving before his time, and whether he has been fairly perceived by the viewing audience. Here’s a quick hint…Colton doesn’t seem to have any issue with how he was portrayed on the show. Finally, a reality star (I’ll use that term loosely) who isn’t blaming editing – that’s huge, especially for someone so hated!

He recently spoke with Jarett Wieselman with Excerpts from that interview are below –

Have you been surprised by the haters?

Oh, not at all. Not at all. Once the show started airing, I knew. Coming out of it, my hope is that people would appreciate my game play. Let’s be honest, a little 20-year-old gay boy convincing a group of men to do what he wanted, without ever lifting a finger? They’ve never had anyone like me. It would be one thing if I helped out at camp, but I did nothing. I literally was their queen.

It seems like the gay community is the most incensed about your behavior — what do your gay friends think?

Oh, here we go – I’m about to get slayed for this. But to be honest, I don’t know many gay people. I really don’t. I have a boyfriend but he’s the straightest gay person you’ll ever meet – he hunts and fishes. But he’s proud of me. He thinks I did well. I just think the gays hate me because I’m a republican. Once that came out, they looked for any reason to hate me. To truly appreciate what I bring to the game, you have to like my sense of humor – I compare it to Chelsea Handler. I think people are just too sensitive.

Do you think the show presented a fair representation of who you are?

I’m not going to blame the edit. I was in control of my own actions. I did what you saw. I wish they focused more on my strategic gameplay than my comments, but then again, I’m glad I saw that because it helped me to grow as a person. Things were taken out of context, but that was me. I didn’t zero in on one person. I didn’t just zero in on Bill [Posely]. My hate knew no bounds [laughs].

Let’s talk about that Tribal Council where Bill went home — you took a lot of flack for your comments regarding race. Take me back to that night, what happened?

I think things were misinterpreted but I also think things were left out. Obviously I know more African American people than my housekeeper, but that’s what they chose to showcase. I don’t know how to say it without seeming ignorant, but I was being honest in a way. We are super close to my housekeeper. She is like family. I was trying to defend myself but it came across badly.

Do you see yourself as a “Survivor Villain?”

If we’re speaking strictly on gameplay, I’m totally a villain. I made it clear that you’re with me or you’re against me. If you don’t think I was running the show, then you weren’t watching [laughs]. I take pride in my villain title because it’s not something that’s easily earned. There are a lot of wannabes.

Many would argue you saved the most selfish move for last. Why did you keep The Immunity Idol?

I wouldn’t have been a villain if I didn’t do that. The irony is that I wanted to give the Idol away. I wanted to give it to Jay, but we were separated so I couldn’t get it to him. I considered giving it to Christina for a millisecond, but she wouldn’t have known to do with it. I didn’t want to screw up Jay’s game by giving the Immunity Idol to someone on Manono.

As a fan of the game, how does it feel to have been medically removed and not voted out, or won?

It feels absolutely horrible. I don’t have closure. Had they blindsided me or voted me out, I would have been able to sit back and be OK with it. But they didn’t get me. I got myself, basically. My body turned against me. I was my own worst enemy. It’s frustrating. I lie in bed at night and wonder what got me sick. Bad crab? Evil coconut?

Do you know what it was?

They think it was a food born or water born [virus] – you know, I honestly wonder if I got taken out Caesar-style. Obviously you know I did nothing, so it would have been so easy for someone to poison my food [laughs].

Okay kids, so what did we learn? Colton seems pretty proud of being the most purposefully lazy person ever to grace Jeff Probst’s presence, he really loves his housekeeper, and the gay community likely hates him for being a Republican. I am not sure what to say…but at least he’s honest? The reunion is going to be interesting, to say the least!

A new episode airs tonight at 8PM ET on CBS.