Big Brother 24 Fans Want Kyle Capener Evicted For Suggesting An All-White Alliance

Another week, another problematic houseguest inside the Big Brother house.

As we know, being inside the Big Brother house can be extremely challenging. The social experiment exists to see who can play the best social and physical game and make it to the end without being evicted. Also, cut off from the outside world, the houseguests have no idea what’s going on in the world around them.

Some of the best players in the show’s history have been able to manipulate and weasel their way either off the block, from being put on the block, or from being evicted. Think Dan Gheesling, Derrick Levasseur, Danielle Reyes, and the list goes on. And in some rare cases, you can actually go from pretty much running the house, to being public enemy number one.

BB24 houseguest Kyle Capener is experiencing that right now. After working with an alliance dubbed “The Leftovers”, Kyle along with houseguests like Taylor Hale and Joseph Abdin worked with a few others to change the trajectory of the game. Being steamrolled at first by other controversial players like Daniel Durston and Nicole Layog, the formed alliance took their power back by blindsiding the house not once, not twice, but three times.

And just when things were starting to get going, Kyle drops the ball. Terribly, too. In a moment on the live feeds, captured by TMZ, Kyle mentioned to players Michael Bruner and Brittany Hoopes that the minorities in the house all have strong connections with each other and that it looks very similar to “The Cookout” alliance. This alliance, formed during the 23rd season of the game, featured six Black houseguests whose mission was to have one of them win the game — also being the first African-American winner in the game’s 23 years of existence.

Kyle’s nerves regarding this seemed to rub some of the other houseguests the wrong way as his statements are being perceived as “racially motivated.” The difference between what Kyle has proposed and the purpose “The Cookout’s” alliance served are two different things. To suggest the creation of an alliance that exists solely to make sure the minorities have not formed a 2.0 version of last season’s successful alliance is extremely problematic.

Not only is this thinking from Kyle bothersome it’s also wrong — because there’s no such alliance formed and even Brittany and Michael noted that. Additionally, poor Joseph was caught in the crossfire of this making his eviction totally unwarranted. Kyle now sits on the block and the fans must wait until Thursday’s live eviction to see if he will get the boot to the BB jury house.


[Photo Credit: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved]