Jenelle Evans Claims She’s Changed; Taking Her Mom To Court For Custody! Plus, Wars With Sister; Sister Says Jenelle is “Evil”!

If ever there was a time I am thankful that reality TV has captured the horrible behavior of people it’s in the case of Jenelle Evans. The Teen Mom 2 star has just announced she wants to take her mom, Barbara Evans, to court for full custody of her son Jace! And a friend declares that Jenelle is changing her life in preparation for a court battle.

I have to warn you in advance this story makes me furious and and I am letting Miss Nude Photo Scandal have it – via blog snark of course!

Anyway, Jenelle claims she’s ready to be a full-time mom and has changed.

I’m not sure when Jenelle will find the time to parent in between her constant legal dramas and nude photo scandals and accusations of drug use and constant loser boyfriend procuring and tweeting, but apparently she thinks she will. Maybe she can give up her lucrative career of selling Scentsy to make time for her son. #sarcasm.


According to RadarOnline, Jenelle is working to get custody back. “Jenelle is working really hard because she doesn’t want her mom Barbara to have custody of Jace anymore,” Jenelle a source close to Jenelle said. And what exactly is Jenelle “working hard” at besides tweeting and making her relationship troubles public knowledge?

“She is meeting with everyone who can help her to make sure she’s doing the right things to get Jace back,” the source insists. Is buying boobs included in that plan?

“She knows she has to go to court to get Jace back and she’s planning to do that but she can’t right now because of her legal troubles. Jenelle has been so good about following her probation rules but she’s back in trouble after the latest incident with Gary Head.”

Jenelle has tried to straighten out and after her last fight with Gary and meeting with her doctors and lawyers recently she is fully committed to working hard to convince the court to let her have custody of her son back,” the source insists. “She wants to be a full-time mom.”

Jenelle’s incident with Gary was approximately a month ago, so let’s see if she can maintain that positive momentum for more than a hot minute before we start praising her ability to MAINTAIN PROBATION. Is this what’s passing for awesome these days?

Hopefully the judge will admit her Twitter feed, Teen Mom episodes, and countless tabloid stories into evidence to prove this person is probably NOT mature enough to put her antics on hold for motherhood. I mean, that’s just my opinion of course!

And to prove she’s the new Jenelle, really working hard to stay out drama and mischief, she’s been feuding with her sister in public lately. That’s so mature.

In this case Jenelle’s older sister Ashleigh has taken to Star Magazine to call Jenelle “evil” among other things. I see class, along with discretion, runs in the family.

Jenelle has “always been jealous of me, but her latest stunt is her worst yet,” Ashleigh seethes. Here’s what happened: “In early July, I was living with my husband, Nick, in California. I finally hit rock bottom because of the way he was treating me,” Ashleigh recalls. She says their mom, Barbara, gave Jenelle $500 to pick up Ashleigh and her son in California and bring them home to NC.

Unfortunately Jenelle (and Kieffer Delp) pocketed the cash and never showed up! Then even worse, Jenelle made fun of Ashleigh on twitter over the incident! Ok, exactly how screwed up is this family and how did they get this way?

“She accused me of lying, saying I was faking it,” Ashleigh recounts. Additionally, Ashleigh claims Jenelle’s on-again/off-again fame seeking loser boyfriend Kieffer constantly harasses her. “Kieffer texts me nonstop, calling me ugly and bald, saying I deserve to be beaten and raped,” Ashleigh claims. “They have such sick minds, and people need to know how terrible they are.”

Oh, Ashleigh – we already know they’re horrible! “Jenelle and Kieffer are horrible people. It’s a nightmare having them in my life.” I have a feeling these accusations will really help Jenelle’s chances of obtaining custody of Jace. Something tells me she won’t be using Ashleigh as a character witness!

Well of course, Jenelle couldn’t just let by-gones be by-gones so she had to fire back at her sister! She posted a video of her sister acting “psycho.”

“I hate to post this but I had to show someone. My sister treats her baby horribly. Something needs to be done. :(,“ Jenelle tweeted.

The video is disturbing. Ashleigh is heard yelling “F@*k” among other obscenities at her son. The video is below.

Can we just sterilize this whole family?


Photo credit: Twitter